I was coming home from dropping my daughter off at school, listening to the radio. A listener called in and said to the DJ's, they might want to check this out, but she heard a plane or something hit the Twin Towers........you could tell she was not kidding around.
I got home........I did not have TV at the time......I did go to a chatroom at about.com. Usually the room was full but this morning it was me and another person. He was telling me what was going on and we were in the chatroom talking about it.
My sister came online and we chatted. She lives in Jacksonville Florida and expressed her concern of the president flying over going back to Washington DC, in case his plane was a target.
I was eager to get to work as there is TV there. I came rushing through the door asking what the TV was saying and going to the back office to see it. The owner of the store said.......Oh, we turned it off. I was shocked!!! I will never forget the shock I felt at how unaffected she was about this.
The rest of the day we got only two customers. I wanted to go home and be there for my daughter when she got off the bus. Hold her and comfort her and myself. I could not get off work early.
I think two days after 9/11, I was so upset at my bosses ho hum attitude......at noon I said I have to go and left the rest of the day. She came to me the next day and said she heard I was upset that she did not let us go home early on monday.....she said What could you do? I said I could have been there for my family. By October I had quit that job. There was no business whatsoever.......No one was buying anything. I worked furniture retail.
I often wonder if my old boss looks back on that day......and the weeks afterwards at her blaise reaction to the biggest event that changed our lives and regrets not taking it seriously.
It was so disturbing to me, so deeply sad, I never thought about religion, and I was a very active witness at the time. It was bad and sad for everyone, no matter what religion, race, or background you were from.