I am forever in amazement at how much Americans wine about all that the government has done since 9/11 to prevent more terror attacks. They wine because they have to do fingerprints now in banks, or how much extra time it takes to get through airport lines. I work in the telecommunication industry, and I can not believe how much of a big deal people made of the phone tapping done by our government. I have little old men who call to complain that they think George W Bush is listening to their calls, daily! Like our government cares what a 72 year old man on social security is doing on the phone. If you try to explain that they are more likely to listen to people with large amount of collect calls from known terrorist states, or who make large amounts of calls to these countries, or use fraud id to set up accounts. They will not listen, they just know George W Bush is listening to their phone calls. My spouse works in a financial institute and people complain all the time, about all the stricter restrictions placed on them. Whining seems to be the true American affect of the war on Terror.
Yet you know what would happen, if a terror attack happened again .............................. we would all complain that our government did not do enough.