I asked what I thought were all the questions. But I got a bunch of answers, so this must be the truth. Of course, I didn't know to ask about failed prophecy, how the Governing Body really works. I definitely would not have gotten answers. What JW Bible teacher knows these things? Still, if I asked something, it was generally answered. I don't think that would be true on today's Bible student.
The average publisher is trained to be evasive. Tell the student they don't expect anything from him. They will get that answered later if they go to the meetings. We don't need to understand the Biblical proof of the prophecy, just look at the history since 1914 (Yeah, right, they're going to give an accurate history). The average publisher is not lying. They believe everything they say. I just finished reading "The Orwellian World of Jehovah's Witnesses" from the public library. It compares the WTS with Big Brother's organization in "1984." A witness must start to believe conflicting facts are all true, not just say them, but actually believe them, so he can be convincing. Further, he immediately dismisses any seeming discrepancies right after he states the conflicting statements, so that he continues to believe "the truth." That's not an exact quote, just the gist of it.
True enough- for instance, the organization is spirit-directed, God's mouthpiece. Everything from the WTS is true. Also, the men on the governing body are not inspired by God, like the prophets and Gospel writers were, so they occasionally need to update the truth, oh, and they give the proper food to God's servants at the proper time, always, they never fail. By the way, as a group, they are a prophet, delivering God's promises, unless you are reading about something we've already changed, then they are not infallable. In 1919, this small group of Bible students were found by Christ to be the only ones preaching accurate knowledge, but don't read anything that old in the WT, because all the accurate knowledge was changed in the 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, etc. You should read older bound volumes, or maybe you should not.