
by troubled 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • borgfree




  • Nicodemus


    I hope you caught my reply to you on your other thread.

    Rest assured that you are by far not the only one inside the organization that feels as you do.

    You offer a beautiful contrast to certain comments made by Witnesses in response to the tragic events of the last week. Don't ever lose that beauty.


  • bboyneko

    anotha one bites the dust....

  • Bridgette

    Dear Troubled---
    My fellow Denverite! Take heart on your journey. I hope you will return (or at least lurk). You are just one example of the humanistic good heartedness you find behind the walls of the WTBTS' dogma. There are many like you, I know. And I know they will not stay walled off forever. You cannot squelch the human spirit of love and compassion.
    I often think of you, and will continue to do so. Is that you in line next to me at the grocery store? Sitting next to me in a traffic jam? Sitting in my waiting room?
    Wherever you are, blessings,

  • MegaDude


    May I be bold enough to say, don't throw out the baby with the bathwater. Yup, there are a lot of people with a big chip on their shoulder; a chip that got put there by severe negative treatment from Jehovah's Witnesses. Some people have done a lot of "chip" reduction work. It took me a couple of years for me to get over my downright hostility towards JWs who acted snooty around me. (My own mother parking her car in front of my house to go out in service, and walking past me on the sidewalk and not even saying hello) Just because you encountered some opposition and harshness, don't forget there are some calm people here that can lend a hand on your spiritual journey. You know who these people are. Keep them in your email address book and ask your questions in privacy. Something drew you here. There are people here that can and want to help. Use it as a resource if you need it.

  • Cygnus

    I wrote nearly the exact same post to H2O about 4 years 5 months ago. Look where I am now. hehehehehe

  • Tatiana

    Troubled, sorry to see you leave when I was just getting used to everyone. I hope you find what you're searching for. Don't lose your "soul".


    "Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)

  • Amazing

    Hi Troubled: I am sorry to see you go. I can understand you view, and were I still a JW, I guess I might have similar feelings. I hope that you decide to stay, but if you still go, then I hope you will drop in and pay a visit - update us some of what is going on among the JW community.

    Whatever else, I hope that you will take something else with you. That is, I hope you realize that in spite of the pain and at times anger expressed, we still love our JW friends, relatives, brothers and sisters in the organization, and many of us pray for them. We do wish that we could associate with many of them once again, and maybe someday that door will finally open.

    Love and best wishes. - Amazing

  • troubled

    Thank you for your final thoughts.

  • Winston

    Bye Troubled.

    Remember to think free, and don't let the WT make you beleive what common sense tells you not to.

    How long have you LIVED and how long has God LIVED?
    1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 to .000000000000000000000000000000001
    Who is like God?

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