The WTS claims that it is the true Christian religion but it obviously isn't, it is a heartless business more than anything else. But how do imagine the true religion to be? It obviously should be very spiritual but how exactly is this to be manifested in its life? I think of an incorruptible leadership and absolute trust between members with very strong mutual assistance and a community centred way of life.
The ideal christian church should be how?
by greendawn 11 Replies latest jw experiences
Star Moore
Ideal Church? Well, really ideal, would have to be in the new world. Without the men and women in the fallen flesh... and with Jesus in person, telling us exactly how to run things.. Now it's a hopeless, mess of power struggles and backstabbing.. and divisions..
Waiting and hoping for the day to come.. and in the meantime, I just do very small home studies..
The WTS claims that it is the true Christian religion but it obviously isn't, it is a heartless business
In a previous thread, I stated that the JW religion is a sickening hybrid of first century Judaism and nineteenth century Adventism. JWs calling themselves "True Christianity" is like calling Baghdad the "ideal tourist destination".
The ideal Christian church ( in my opinion ) would be a church that focussed exclusively on the New Testament, with empahsis on the teachings of Jesus. Instead of getting mired down in Old Testament trivialities and minutia, it would focus on the message of Christ in terms of engaging with the world with unconditional love and benevolence.
Oh, and by the way; it sure as hell wouldn't get into the flim-flam business of publishing books and periodicals. Leave that to companies like Harper-Collins.
The only way to have a perfect church would be to remove the people. But then it ceases to be a church, so maybe the only way is to stay at home and study on your own with a bible and a few prayers.
I think of an incorruptible leadership and absolute trust between members with very strong mutual assistance and a community centred way of life.
..............and gatherings outdoors in good weather where we can see the marvels of nature and teach our children respect for all wildlife. Then, we can sit down in a circle and perform meditation and become one with nature. Afterwards, we can enjoy a slap-up meal together and then all go home fully upbuilt and rejuvenated.
I agree that it is virtually impossible for imperfect humans to set up a truly Christian Church that will have to occur when the new heavens and new earth come to be, and that can only be done by divine intervention. Dansk no doubt being in nature, being near the soil and cultivating it, sooths the human spirit. In juxtaposition the urban environment is very artificial and stressing.
It looks like you're seeking the impossible.incorruptible leadership
Aint possible.
absolute trust between members
Aint likely, even amongst the totally gullible.
very strong mutual assistance
Why need a church for that?
a community centred way of life.
What's that got to do with church, unless you live in a highly-religious community like me?
IMHO the ideal church should be simple, humble, and loving. The more complications/dogma you add, the more chance people will fall out (which they're inevitably going to do, at some point, anyhow)!
read good books
Maybe we should ask the rabbi.(see ad. below)
having been raised a jw made me realize that religion is and should be a private thing.its like sex or bathing.ok to share once in a while,but basicly should be sorta privatelike..i guess its great if someone has 'great faith' but why such an insistant need to share and win over?to convince and jw wrong.