at least we here the other side of the story and different opinions. In Watchtower land you dont hear the other side or other opinions you get rapidly disfellowshipped. That is why it is great that apologists post here
Why we should be glad WT apologists post here
by Lady Lee 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
This isn`nt the dixie chick thread.???..LOL!!...OUTLAW
I enjoy reading the debates until they get up to page 50 or 60 when my lap top refuses to open them anymore.
Don't run them off! Some come in here swingin' thinking they just jumped into the demons' nest. Y'know what, many here often play right into their preconceptions. Be patient, they are debilitated!
read good books
We'll if we could go back in time and meet ourselves when we were brainwashed JW's we might not like the person we meet. Our arguments as a JW with our current selves would sound narrow minded and brainwashed. And in those days we would argue because we thought we were on God's side, so I am just advocating patients with the JW's who come here, if in fact there are really JW's and not imposters.
Also I also would like thank the moderators, I think they are doing a good job, especially since they haven't kicked me of yet. .
JW apologists are good for this sight. I have to agree with Lady.
We'll if we could go back in time and meet ourselves when we were brainwashed JW's we might not like the person we meet.
So true and I think a lot of us tend to forget that little fact.
Lady Lee
We'll if we could go back in time and meet ourselves when we were brainwashed JW's we might not like the person we meet.
I know I am much more honest with myself than I was as a JW. Then I tried so hard to be what was expected rather than be who I really was inside.
The greatest lie people tell are the lies they tell themselves