Your all Apostates!..Every last,god forsaken,one of you..You`ve left Jehovah..Thats why your all,so unhappy!!...OUTLAW
Is It true what they say about you?
by OUTLAW 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Yes, I think everyone on this board is just miserable. Should have listened to the wise old elders, look how happy they all are!
Alligator Wisdom
OUTLAW : You`ve left Jehovah..Thats why your all,so unhappy!!.
I've only heard similar statements like that mentioned on this discussion board. (I know that you were saying it in jest for this topic).
However, is it really true? Of my 35 years being associated with the JW's, I have never heard that said even once among those in my congregation. Maybe it has been said directly to some of you from JW's that you know, but I myself have never heard any such accusations being said nor will I ever say something like that either.
If any of you had such things said to you by JW's, then they really don't know what they are talking about. Many JW's haven't left Jehovah and are unhappy.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)
Hey AlligatorWisdom,I`ve heard it,I have had it said to me..First they lump eveyone together,like we are a big organization..LOL!!..Then comes the name calling..Apostates!!..The guilty know it`s not about Jehovah..It`s about thier filthy conduct,and the fact we want nothing to do with thier perverse lifes..Why would we blame that on Jehovah?..Why would they insist we do?...OUTLAW
Alligator Wisdom
I`ve heard it,I have had it said to me.
I would consider those ones foolish for even saying to you directly that you aren't happy because you decided to part ways. How can they determine your happiness?
Too bad that you were called or labeled as such directly by those whom you knew.
Just as much as JW's shouldn't lump together, as you mentioned they did, nor should we.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)
I certainly feel better now that I have no contact with them althought i would be lying to say that I am "happy"
content may be a better word for me.
'Mornin' Outy,
As my beloved late mum used to say "People can say what they like about me. While they're talking about me they're leaving some other poor soul alone!"
I apply that to the JWs - and anyone else who backbites!
Thats why your all,so unhappy
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. That's rich. Show me a happy JW and I'll show you a liar!!
Even during the darkest days of my illness I was still a lot happier being out of the Borg! You can't put a price on FREEDOM!!
I'm back to my old happy cheeky self since I've left.
Hmmmm Dansk. I really wonder if you should go that far?
Show me a happy JW and I'll show you a liar? Logic dictates that there would be people "happy" with their religion. Especially those in positions of authority. LOL
But in all seriousness, as other posters on previous threads have admitted there are many in the JW who are sincere and no doubt some of them would say they are happy.
I guess it all depends on how you define the word. There was about 3 years in which I would have said that I was happy to be a JW. At first it's exciting and for someone like me that likes facts/figures and to debate it was a great thrill ride.
<sighs> Those were the days.
But in all seriousness, as other posters on previous threads have admitted there are many in the JW who are sincere and no doubt some of them would say they are happy.
True! I was a baptised JW for 15 years and associated for 4 years prior to baptism. I was as sincere as anyone! Problem was, we were constantly TOLD from the platform that we were happy; that Jehovah's people are the happiest in the world!
My wife and I came home feeling upbuilt and, yes, happy - but we also used to comment on how such and such a person looked a real miserable soul. It was only later we realised why! They'd been in the Borg longer than us. They were in the position we were in just before we exited years later. Happiness in Watchtower is truly delusional. That's easy to prove by comparing how happy one is now away from the confines of Watchtower.
You probably know this already, but when I was close to death I never once regretted leaving Watchtower. I was happier being seriously ill than being a member of an lying, killing, family-breaking organisation.
JWs can say what they like about their being happy! They don't know or have forgotten what true happiness is.