Recently I have noticed a difference in peoples attitude towards others. I remember the day when others would open the door for you or smile when they look at you. I remember the day when you were merging onto traffic and people would let you in. Not anymore, Hell they slam the door in your face and try to run you off the road just to be one more car in front, as if they were going to get there faster than you but never do? I don't understand why it is so hard for people to be kind and considerate to others. Isn't that what we are supposed to do ? Treat others as we want to be treated ? This surge seems to have worsen lately at least in my town it has. What about where you live ? Is there a kinder place to live ?
Why is it so hard for people to be kind ?
by oldflame 20 Replies latest jw friends
I live in New York City. Enough said.
Is it a sign of the times?
Is it that they have been treated rudely too many times and can't see the point in simple acts of kindness and courtesy?
Whatever the reasons how are you going to react? Will you react in the same manner as them or will you aspire to show them how you would like to be treated. Show kindness to them, even if it isn't returned.
I found the same thing happening where I live. But I began looking for the kinds things that people were doing. And I found them. People giving courtesy waves, merging with traffic, opening doors for people etc etc. It cheers the heart. Try look for the good and ignore the bad.
I think it has mostly to do with how our schedules are nowadays. Back in the day, we didn't cram our schedule so tight that we were constantly running around and in a bad mood. (Well, maybe WE were as JW's, but I mean the gen. population today)
It has a domino effect on people.
Alligator Wisdom
There can be several factors for it, as mentioned by some of the previous posters.
1) Stress. I feel that can be a prime factor. It tends to block out the needs of others.
2) Upbringing. Some good habits are learned or bad habits are learned from the home environment while growing up.
3) Ignorance. I'm sure that I unknowingly cut someone off while driving. Sometimes we all zone out and are not aware of our surroundings.
But we do need to try and look for the good in others or give them the benefit of the doubt.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)
My city used to be a pretty nice place to live but recently there has been a huge surge of people moving in. Most of whom are coming from the big city and they have a very rude and mean type of personality. I moved away from here 3 years ago and came back last year to find that we now have traffic jams and the like. People have turned hateful here, there is no consideration for others and if there is itis very low. The other day I was driving down the road at the speed limit and some jerk behind me is riding my rear end. When the road changed into a 2 lane she went around me and gave me the finger. I right away look at my speed to check and I was 3 miles over but she wanted to drive 30 over.
No I have to say that really pissed me off so I smiled at her and waved. LOL I'll bet that just ripped her in two. I am beginning to think that the small town with one stop light where I lived the last couple of years was pretty nice. I miss Wyoming !
I live in South Dakota and everybody is nice here. Even the pets are friendly. Just yesterday I saw one dog pushing another to get it started.
I live in a very small town, moving out of a big city in 1974. People here are pretty much the same and are quite friendly thank goodness.
I'd like to add that the people I knew when I was in the child advococy programs and involved with the Special Ed events....are still just as friendly and helpful when I see them, as they always were. (Some of) my family, OTOH, for the most part, are just as cold and UNfriendly as when I was still a JW (they weren't) so go figure.
IS IT due to where they live???
Or what they are inside?
I live in a VERY small town w/no stop lights. People are very friendly. I know what you mean Old Flame. It does get you angry when people are so rude. If it really stresses you out perhaps a change would be good.