Comments You Will Not Hear at the 9-17-06 WT Study (BE HAPPY)

by blondie 34 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 09-17-06 WT Study (August 1, 2006, pages 26-29)(BE HAPPY)

    Review comments will be in red

    WT material from today's WT will be in black

    Quotes from other sources will be in quote boxes

    w = Watchtower

    g = Awake

    jv = Proclaimers book (various Bible translations online) (WT publications online) (child abuse) (blood issue) (United Nations issue)


    "Happy is the man in fear of Jehovah. "-PSALM 112:1

    Opening Comments

    When you were a JW, were you happy? Did you live in fear of not measuring up to the WTS standards? Did you find people "encouraging" you to do more; letting you know that what you were doing was flawed? Did you find it difficult to measure up because the "rules" were always changing? Were you confused because you saw some JWs never disciplined for serious rules infractions and others were hounded out of the WTS? Is obeying God the same as obeying the WTS? Do you wonder why the last few WT articles have focused on OT examples and not Christian examples in the NT?


    Q1, 2) What can the fear of Jehovah bring?

    1) Happiness does not come easily. Real happiness is contingent on making the right choices, doing what is right, and turning away from what is wrong. Our Maker, Jehovah, has given us his Word, the Bible, to teach us how to enjoy the very best way of life. By seeking and following Jehovah's direction, thus displaying the fear of God, we can be truly satisfied and happy.--Psalm 23:1; Proverbs 14:26.

      Real happiness is contingent on making the right choices

      Right choices as defined by the WTS.



      We can help them make the right choice by fully utilizing the fine instruments Jehovah has given us to direct interest to hisorganization.

      Are those "fine instruments" the Bible?

      Our Maker, Jehovah, has given us his Word, the Bible

      But only the WTS can define or interpret the Bible



      But Jehovah God has also provided his visible organization, his "faithful and discreet slave," made up of spirit-anointed ones, to help Christians in all nations to understand and apply properly the Bible in their lives. Unless we are in touch with this channel of communication that God is using, we will not progress along the road to life, no matter how much Bible reading we do.?Compare Acts 8:30-40.

      Seeking Jehovah?s direction

      Means seeking the WTS direction



      The "faithful and discreet slave" class, the "watchman," today uses the Watchtower magazine under the direction of the Governing Body of Jehovah?s Witnesses as its main channel for dispensing spiritual "food at the proper time."



      It is through the columns of TheWatchtower that Jehovah provides direction and constant Scriptural counsel to his people

    2) In this article, we will consider Biblical and modern-day examples that show how genuine fear of God gives one strength to resist pressure to do what is wrong and courage to do what is right. We will see that godly fear can bring us happiness by moving us to correct a wrong course, as King David had to do. We will also see that the fear of Jehovah is a truly precious heritage that parents can pass on to their children. Indeed, God's Word assures us: "Happy is the man in fear of Jehovah."-Psalm 112:1.

    Genuine fear of God

    = fear of the WTS

    The doctrine/policy the WTS uses is that of "disfellowshipping," a practice of having members shunned by all other members including family for violating certain WT proscribed actions and being found "unrepentant" by imperfect men.

    Correct a wrong course, as King David had to do

    Did you notice that in last week?s study article that no mention was made of David?s murder of Uriah, the husband of the woman David committed adultery with? How did David correct that wrong course, one liable to execution according to the Law?but David was allowed to live. Instead David?s son by Bath-sheba died and David?s wives were raped in public and his other adult sons died. But David lived and he was the murderer.

    Regaining Lost Happiness

    Q3) What helped David to recover from his sins?

    3) As considered in the preceding article, David on three notable occasions failed to show proper godly fear and sinned. However, his response to Jehovah's discipline showed that he was essentially a God-fearing person. His reverence and respect for God moved him to admit his guilt, correct his course, and reestablish a good relationship with Jehovah. Although his errors brought suffering on him and others, his genuine repentance won Jehovah's continued support and blessing. David's example can surely instill courage in Christians today who may fall into serious sin.

    [Picture on page 26] Fear of Jehovah kept David from striking King Saul

    On three or four notable occasions failed to show proper godly fear? Why does the WTS leave out Uriah?s murder? And why is little information in the WT publications on why David and Bath-sheba were not but to death?

    1. Moved the ark of the covenant improperly?led to the death of an innocent man, Uzzah
    2. Committed adultery with Bathsheba?as a result David?s wives were publicly raped
    3. Murdered Bath-sheba?s husband Uriah?as a result David?s sons died
    4. Conducted an improper census?70,000 innocent people died

    Correct his course

    ?so David resurrected Uriah, Uzzah, his sons, and the 70,000?

    Good relationship with Jehovah

    ?see how using OT examples leaves Jesus out of the picture?

    Q4) How can the fear of God help a person regain happiness?

    4) Take Sonja's case.* (Footnote: * The names have been changed.) Though serving as a full-time evangelizer, Sonja got into bad company, became involved in unchristian conduct, and had to be disfellowshipped from the Christian congregation. Coming to her senses, Sonja did everything necessary to repair her relationship with Jehovah. In time, she was reinstated in the congregation. Through all of this, Sonja never gave up her desire to serve Jehovah. Eventually, she again entered the full-time pioneer ministry. Later, she married a fine Christian elder, and now she happily serves with him in the congregation. Though Sonja regrets having temporarily strayed from the Christian path, she is happy that her fear of God helped her to come back.

    Bad company

    ? Non-JWs or JWs?

    Repair her relationship with Jehovah

    ?what about her relationship with Jesus?


    The WTS uses the Law code to determine what type of "sins" are disfellowshipping ones, using the ones that require execution. They say that family members could not talk to such people because they were dead, thus JW family members cannot talk to disfellowshipped family today. But the how could the dead be reinstated? Isn?t the analogy flawed?

    What are the WTS requirements for reinstatement? 1) turning in a letter to a member of the judicial committee not any sooner than 6 months (what scripture is that?) 2) coming to all the meetings and sitting alone, in silence, not talking to anyone before or after the meeting and away from the meetings 3) quitting the offending behavior 4) doing all this for at least 1 year but based on the "sin" the elders may withhold forgiveness for years.

    Never gave up her desire to serve Jehovah

    ?what about being a footstep follower of Christ?

    Eventually, she again entered the full-time pioneer ministry

    ?minimum of 1 year before she could be reappointed?possibly longer or never depending on her "sin."

    Married a fine Christian elder

    ?a goal all women in the WTS aspire to since women have no status apart from their husband?s.

    To Suffer Rather Than Sin

    Q5, 6) Explain how and why David twice spared Saul's life.

    5) It is much better, of course, when the fear of God helps one to avoid sinning in the first place. This proved true of David. Once, pursuing David with three thousand troops, Saul entered a cave--the very cave where David and his men were hiding. David's men urged him to strike Saul. Was not Jehovah giving David's mortal enemy into his hand? Silently, David crept up to Saul and cut off the skirt of his garment. Because David feared God, even that relatively harmless act tormented his conscience. David dispersed his agitated men, saying: "It is unthinkable, on my part, from Jehovah's standpoint, that I should do this thing to my lord, the anointed of Jehovah."# (Footnote: # This may have been one of the experiences that moved David to compose Psalms 57 and 142.) -1 Samuel 24:1-7.

    Avoid sinning in the first place

    Yes, I think Uriah would have liked that and the 70,000 people who died and David?s wives who were raped.

    Saul = anointed = 144,000 (remnant, Governing Body, FDS today?)

    David = rank and file JWs?

    6) On a later occasion, Saul was encamped for the night, and he and all his men fell into "a deep sleep from Jehovah." David and his bold nephew Abishai slipped into the very middle of the camp and stood right over the sleeping Saul. Abishai wanted to do away with him once and for all. David restrained Abishai, asking: "Who is it that has thrust his hand out against the anointed of Jehovah and has remained innocent?"-1 Samuel 26: 9,12.

    Against the anointed of Jehovah and has remained innocent?

    Does that mean that no one can say anything bad about the "anointed"? Didn?t Nathan? Didn?t others try to dissuade David from his bad choices?

    Q7) What held David back from sinning?

    7) Why did David not strike Saul down when he twice had the opportunity? Because he feared Jehovah more than he feared Saul. Out of proper fear of God, David was prepared to suffer, if necessary, rather than sin. (Hebrews 11:25) He had complete confidence in Jehovah's care for His people and for him personally. David knew that obeying and trusting in God would bring happiness and many blessings, while ignoring God would earn him God's disfavor. (Psalm 65:4) He also knew that God would fulfill His promise to make David king and would remove Saul in His own time and way.-1 Samuel 26:10.

    This is the Wait on Jehovah paragraph

    In his own time and way



    Here David stresses the need for us to wait patiently for Jehovah to act.

    Did David "wait on Jehovah" in regard to the ark, Bathsheba, Uriah, and the census?



    Yet notice that David did not just sit back and wait for Jehovah to rescue him.


    Fearing God Brings Happiness

    Q8) How does David's conduct under pressure serve as an example?

    8) As Christians, we can expect ridicule, persecution, and other trials. (Matthew 24:9; 2 Peter 3:3) At times, we may even experience difficulties involving fellow worshippers. However, we know that Jehovah sees all things, hears our prayers and, at the right time, will straighten out matters according to his will. (Romans 12:17-21; Hebrews 4:16) Therefore, rather than fear our opposers, we fear God and look to him to deliver us. Like David, we do not avenge ourselves, nor do we compromise righteous principles to avoid suffering. In the end, this brings happiness. But how?

    As Christians

    The WTS teaches that only JWs are "true" or "genuine" Christians. All others are merely "so-called" or "professed" Christians. That means that any persecution of these "so-called" Christians is not valid.



    To wage war on fellow humans?as so-called Christians have so often done, particularly in the 20th century?is unthinkable for genuine Christians

    Based on this would the Amish, Mennonites, Quakers, be considered genuine Christian groups? What about individuals who have refused to wage war on fellow humans?



    Hence the hundreds of millions of so-called Christians in Christendom who refuse to have Jehovah?s name written, as it were, upon their foreheads prove by this that they are counterfeits, sham Christians.



    Relatively few professed Christians have taken flight from that religious organization, namely, Christendom, and taken refuge under God?s Messianic kingdom proclaimed by Jehovah?s Christian witnesses.

    Jehovah sees all things

    But is what God sees important or only what the WTS sees?

    Hears our prayers

    Yet per WTS doctrine on 1 Timothy 2:5, Jesus is only the mediator for those JWs who profess to be anointed, who partake of the bread and the wine once a year.

    Who mediates the prayers of the non-anointed JWs? Does the WTS connect mediation with prayer?

    (1 Timothy 2:5) For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, a man, Christ Jesus?



    Is it proper to pray to Jesus? earthly mother, Mary, or to particular "saints," asking them to intercede with God in one?s behalf? The Bible?s direct answer is: "There is only one mediator between God and mankind, himself a man, Christ Jesus."?1 Timothy 2:5.



    Furthermore, in a very clear way, the Scriptures rule out the idea of praying to "saints" in order for them to act as intercessors with God. In his model prayer, Jesus taught that prayers are to be addressed to the Father only, since he directed his disciples: "You must pray, then, this way: ?Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified.?" (Matthew 6:9) Jesus further stated: "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you ask anything in my name, I will do it." And the apostle Paul stated: "There is one God, and one mediator between God and men, a man, Christ Jesus."?John 14:6, 14; 1 Timothy 2:5.



    How can we gain access to the great "Hearer of prayer"? He has appointed that this be through Jesus Christ alone. There is only one Mediator between God and men, and one High Priest, Jesus Christ. (1 Tim. 2:5; Heb. 7:25, 26)

    So are the prayers of the anointed only heard through Jesus based on 1 Timothy 2:5?



    Clearly, then, the new covenant is not a loose arrangement open to all mankind. It is a carefully arranged legal provision involving God and anointed Christians.
    This should help us to understand 1 Timothy 2:5, 6. Here the reference to "mediator" was made after the five other occurrences of the word in letters written earlier. Hence, Timothy would have understood Jesus? mediatorship to be His legal role connected with the new covenant. ThePastoralEpistles, by Dibelius and Conzelmann, acknowledges that at 1 Timothy 2:5 ?the term "mediator" has a legal significance,? and "although in this passage, in contrast to Heb 8:6, the [covenant] is not mentioned, one must nevertheless presuppose the meaning ?mediator of the covenant,? as the context shows." Professor Oepke observes that 1 Timothy 2:5 presents Jesus as "the attorney and negotiator."
    Consequently, 1 Timothy 2:5, 6 is not using "mediator" in the broad sense common in many languages. It is not saying that Jesus is a mediator between God and all mankind. Rather, it refers to Christ as legal Mediator (or, "attorney") of the new covenant, this being the restricted way in which the Bible uses the term.

    Like David, we do not avenge ourselves, nor do we compromise righteous principles to avoid suffering

    I guess that depends on whether you are a JW in Mexico as opposed to Malawi in the 1970?s.

    Also, why has the Society turned a blind eye to the Witnesses in Mexico and allowed them to obtain a "Cartilla" by bribing officials. To legally obtain the "Cartilla" one would have to serve a period of one year in military service.

    Q9) Give an example of how fearing God can result in happiness despite persecution.

    9) "I think about a certain mother and her teenage daughter who because of their Christian neutrality refused to buy political party cards," relates a longtime missionary in Africa. "They were brutally assaulted by a crowd of men and then were told to go home. As they walked along, the mother tried to comfort her weeping daughter, who struggled to understand why this had happened. They were not joyful then, but they had a clean conscience. Later, they were very happy that they had obeyed God. Had they bought the party cards, the crowd would have been ecstatic. The men would have given them bottles of soft drinks and danced around them all the way home. But the girl and her mother, knowing they had compromised, would have been the most unhappy people in the world." Their fear of God spared them all of that.

    But the girl and her mother, knowing they had compromised, would have been the most unhappy people in the world." Their fear of God spared them all of that.

    I wonder what these women would have thought if the knew that across the ocean in Mexico JWs were allowed to "compromise"?

    Another "conscience" issue for Witnesses involved political party membership cards. When the ruling element in the African country of Malawi demanded that citizens purchase "party cards", the Watchtower Society took a stand against it. In adhering to this position, Malawian Witnesses faced imprisonment, beatings and severe mistreatment at the hands of government loyalists. Meanwhile, in Mexico Witnesses were in the habit of bribing officials to obtain cards identifying them as members of the reserves who had fulfilled a year of military service. Not having the cartilla would result in some inconvenience, but not the sort of suffering Witnesses faced in Malawi. Franz relates in detail how Watchtower headquarters gave its approval to both policies, leaving African JWs to face brutal persecution, while permitting Mexican Witnesses to buy cards 'under the table.' This caused much suffering in Africa. And it helped cause the "crisis of conscience" Raymond Franz experienced as a member of the Governing Body whose votes enforced these contradictory rulings.

    Did these women scream when they were assaulted? If not, they could have been df?d depending on what year this occurred.

    Q10, 11) What good results came from one woman's fear of God?

    10) Showing godly fear also results in happiness when facing trials involving respect for the sanctity of life. When Mary was pregnant with her third child, the doctor urged her to have an abortion. "Your condition is dangerous," he said. "You could have a crisis at any time and die within 24 hours. Then the baby would die too. In any case, there is no guarantee that the baby will be normal." Mary had been studying the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses but was not yet baptized. "Still," Mary says, "I had decided to serve Jehovah, and I was determined to remain obedient to him, no matter what."-Exodus 21:22, 23.

    The WTS is careful to protect the lives of the unborn but what about the already born mother and children?

    These JW kids died prematurely - do you know why?

    11) During her pregnancy, Mary kept busy studying the Bible and caring for her family. Finally the baby came. "The birth was a little harder than the first two, but there were no major complications," relates Mary. Fearing God helped Mary to keep a good conscience, and she was soon baptized. As that baby grew up, he too learned to fear Jehovah, and he is presently serving at one of the branch offices of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Where?s Jesus?

    'Strengthen Yourself by Jehovah'

    Q12) How did the fear of God strengthen David?

    12) David's fear of Jehovah did more than just restrain him from doing wrong. It strengthened him to act decisively and wisely under difficult circumstances. For a year and four months, David and his men took refuge from Saul at Ziklag in the Philistine countryside. (1 Samuel 27:5-7) Once while the men were away, marauding Amalekites burned the city and carried off all the men's wives, children, and flocks. Upon returning and seeing what had happened, David and his men wept. Grief quickly turned to bitterness, and David's men spoke of stoning him. Though distressed, David did not despair. (Proverbs 24:10) His fear of God moved him to turn to Jehovah, and he "took to strengthening himself by Jehovah." With God's help, David and his men overtook the Amalekites and recovered everything.-1 Samuel 30:1-20.

    Did David?s fear of Jehovah restrain him from doing wrong?serious wrong?

    Moving ark of covenant on a wagon?Uzzah died

    Adultery with Bath-sheba?son died

    Murder of Bath-sheba?s husband?adult sons died; wives raped

    Census taken?70,000 innocent people died

    Did David "wait for Jehovah" or did he "act decisively and wisely"?

    Q13, 14) How did fear of God help one Christian to make good decisions?

    13) God's servants today also face situations that require trust in Jehovah and courage to act decisively. Take Kristina as an example. As a youth, Kristina studied the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses. But she wanted to become a concert pianist, and she made considerable advancement to that end. Moreover, she felt self-conscious about preaching and was therefore afraid to accept the responsibilities that would come with baptism. As Kristina continued to study God's Word, she began to sense its power. She was learning the fear of Jehovah, and she realized that Jehovah expects his servants to love him with their whole heart, mind, soul, and strength. (Mark 12:30) This moved her to dedicate herself to Jehovah and get baptized.

    God?s servants today?only JWs

    She wanted to become a concert pianist?I know of a JW that had been concert pianist before studying with JWs and still is as well as being a university professor.

    14) Kristina asked Jehovah for help to make spiritual advancement. "I knew that the life of a concert pianist involves constant travel and contracts to play as many as 400 concerts a year," Kristina explains. "So I decided instead to become a teacher so as to support myself financially and serve as a full-time evangelizer." At that time, Kristina was already slated to give her debut performance in her country's best-known concert hall. "My debut concert turned out to be my retirement concert," she relates. Kristina has since married a Christian elder. Together, they now serve at one of the branch offices of Jehovah's Witnesses. She is happy that Jehovah gave her the strength to make right decisions and that she can now use her time and energy in his service.

    My debut concert turned out to be my retirement concert?has since married a Christian elder?serve at one of the branch offices.

    Too bad she didn?t know she could have stayed in music and been a university professor.

    I wonder why Prince and the Williams sisters and George Benson can travel all over and not abandon their creative life?

    A Precious Heritage

    Q15) What did David want to pass on to his children, and how did he do so?

    15) "Come, you sons, listen to me," wrote David. "The fear of Jehovah is what I shall teach you." (Psalm 34:11) As a father, David was intent on passing on to his children a precious heritage--the genuine, balanced, wholesome fear of Jehovah. By words and by deeds, David portrayed Jehovah, not as a demanding and fearsome God, ready to pounce on any infraction of His laws, but as a loving, caring, and forgiving Father of His earthly children. "Missteps who can keep track of?" asked David. Then, indicating his confidence that Jehovah is not constantly scrutinizing our errors, he added: "Hold me clear of unnoticed things!" David was sure that if he put forth his best effort, his words and thoughts could be acceptable to Jehovah.-Psalm 19: 12, 14, Byington.

    I wonder how David explained why other people died because of his sins?

    Ready to pounce on any infraction of His laws

    ?is adultery and murder just any infraction of the Law code? Where was the mercy in the case of Uzzah?

    Not constantly scrutinizing our errors?

    but the elders and other "mature" ones will do it for God

    David was sure that if he put forth his best effort, his words and thoughts could be acceptable to Jehovah

    ?whereas the WTS slogan is DO MORE and we will tell you what your best is.



    Encourage all to make plans to do more house-to-house work in October to increase magazine distribution.


    Can your circumstances be adjusted to enable you to do more in the ministry?



    Despite his busy schedule, Paul was always eager to do more in Jehovah?s service.

    Notice how using an OT example leaves Jesus out of the picture.

    [Picture on page 29] Fear of God is a precious heritage that parents can pass on to their children

    Q16, 17) How can parents teach children the fear of Jehovah?

    16) David stands as an example for parents today. "Our parents raised us in a way that made being in the truth enjoyable," says Ralph, who along with his brother serves at a branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses. "When we were young, they included us in their conversations about congregation activities, and we became as enthusiastic about the truth as they were. They brought us up to believe that we could do good things in Jehovah's service. In fact, for several years our family lived in a country where there is a great need for Kingdom publishers and helped to establish new congregations.

    Is David an example for parents today? How did David explain to Solomon about his half-brother born out of an adulterous relationship who died; how did David explain how he had Solomon?s first husband murdered?

    Ralph, who along with his brother serves at the branch office

    ?have you noticed that all the examples are people at branch offices.

    Included us in their conversations about congregation activities

    ?I have known of elders and their wives who sat around the dinner table sharing the juicy tidbits about the "errors" of the people in the congregation, discussing the "motives" of others, marking individuals as "bad association."

    We could do good things in Jehovah?s service

    ?where?s Jesus?

    Great need for Kingdom publishers

    ?actually a great need for JW men to train local JW men in WTS administrative functions.

    17) "What kept us on the right path was not a collection of rigid rules but the fact that to our parents, Jehovah was real and very, very kind and good. They sought to get to know Jehovah better and to please him, and we learned from their genuine fear of God and love for him. Even when we did something wrong, our parents did not make us feel that Jehovah no longer loved us; nor did they angrily slap arbitrary restrictions on us. Most of the time, they sat us down and just talked to us, Mom sometimes with tears in her eyes, trying to reach our heart. And it worked. We learned through our parents' words and deeds that the fear of Jehovah is a beautiful thing and that to be one of his Witnesses is a joy and a pleasure, not a burden."-1 John 5:3.


    1. No beards
    2. No sideburns
    3. Rules on women wearing makeup
    4. Rules on women wearing pants
    5. Rules on who can read the WT paragraphs at the meeting but not scriptures
    6. Rules on who can give prayers
    7. Rules on who can have certain WT publications but unrestricted access to the Bible
    8. Rules on who can have a book study in their home
    9. Add your own rule

    To be one of his Witnesses

    ?where?s Christ?

    Q18) What will we gain by fearing the true God?

    18) Among "the last words of David," we read: "When one ruling over mankind is righteous, ruling in the fear of God, then it is as the light of morning, when the sun shines forth." (2 Samuel 23:1, 3, 4) Solomon, David's son and successor, apparently got the point, for he requested that Jehovah grant him "an obedient heart" and the ability "to discern between good and bad." (1 Kings 3:9) Solomon recognized that to fear Jehovah is the course of wisdom and happiness. Later, he summarized the book of Ecclesiastes with the words: "The conclusion of the matter, everything having been heard, is: Fear the true God and keep his commandments. For this is the whole obligation of man. For the true God himself will bring every sort of work into the judgment in relation to every hidden thing, as to whether it is good or bad." (Ecclesiastes 12:13, 14) If we heed that counsel, we will indeed find that "the result of humility and the fear of Jehovah" is not only wisdom and happiness but also "riches and glory and life."-Proverbs 22:4.


    ?a word the WTS uses when it is going to add to the Bible

    Another OT example?Solomon?who died in an "apostate" condition for some years, the WTS said that he would not be resurrected.



    As a result, Solomon became an apostate and died as such a "senseless one."

    Q19) What will enable us to understand "the fear of Jehovah"?

    19) From Biblical examples and modern-day experiences, we see that the proper fear of God plays a positive role in the life of true servants of Jehovah. Not only can such fear prevent us from doing what is displeasing to our heavenly Father but it can also give us the courage to face our adversaries and the strength to endure the trials and hardships that come our way. Therefore, let us, young and old, apply ourselves diligently in studying God's Word, meditating on what we learn, and drawing close to Jehovah in regular and heartfelt prayers. By doing so, we will not only find "the very knowledge of God" but also understand "the fear of Jehovah." -Proverbs 2:1-5.

    Biblical examples

    ?all OT

    True servants of Jehovah

    ?only JWs

    Drawing close to Jehovah

    ?where?s Jesus?

    Regular and heartfelt prayers

    ?how is that possible if Jesus mediates only for the anointed JWs?

    Can You Explain?

    How can the fear of God

    - help one to recover from serious sin?

    - bring happiness under trials and persecution?

    - strengthen us to do God's will?

    • be a precious heritage for our children?

    Concluding Comments

    It is hard to believe that the WTS is subjecting the rank and file to another round of David as an example. The WTS carefully leaves out the murder of Uriah by David. Where is Jesus in this article; no fear of displeasing him or losing one?s relationship with Christ? No rigid rules?

    Fear God = Fear the WTS

    It has been raining for several days. But at least the flowers are perky, the tomatoes are still producing (brought in 8 today bigger than a man?s fist). The grass is lushly green and growing as we watch. We went to a classical concert where the crown jewel was Also Sprach Zarathustra by Richard Strauss. Did you know that was based on a writing by Friedrich Nietzsche and was based on Zoroaster, the Persian prophet and founder of Zoroastrianism. Some of you might remember the first few notes in the movie 2001 Space Odyssey. I?m planning on going for some Chopin concertos in the fall. Have a good weekend and remember this is the last weekend of summer.

    Love, Blondie

  • quixote


    Thank you for once again providing insightful information. I have been a lurker for quite some time and always enjoy your posts.

    I'll "BE HAPPY" right here !


  • vitty

    Thanks blondie that was really good......................can you tell me where it says that Davids wives were publiclly raped........I have NEVER heard or read of that account.............and why were they ?

  • cyberdyne systems 101
    cyberdyne systems 101

    I got my fix of your Comments before monday! Oh well i'll have to find something else to look at on Monday. Another article to bash the R & F into a more subservient condition and pander to WTS rules and interpretation. Thank you for your time and effort in preparing this Post.

    CS 101

  • lovelylil

    Thanks again Blondie for another fine meal prepared at the true spiritual table!

    Question: the article mentioned something about What David wanted to pass down to his children? (I gather they mean his "fear" of Jehovah?) Are we talking about the illegitimate ones with Bathseeba he may have fathered after killing her husband, or did David have other children?

    Why the WT insists you have to be perfect and in fear of God constantly to approach him is ridiculous. The whole message of the bible is that we are sinners but by the GRACE of God he covers over them by faith in Christ. The WT is just a pharisitical cult that hangs onto the mosaic laws and twists the scriptures to make people feel they are never going to be perfect enough for God to care about them. Their own examples are imperfect men who sinned many times over. Some of them commiting acts none of US have ever committed. (both David and Moses committed murder) And yet, God still saw the good in them.

    But yet according to the Tower - JW's have to live a completely pious, self sacrificing, perfect lives to "maybe" be concealed in the day of judgement? No wonder a lot of JWs are depressed or alchoholic. This WT article is actually a testiment against them. Lilly

  • lisavegas420

    Thank you Blondie.

    Not to rush you or anything...but can we have next's weeks review on Tueday. That way when the witnesses come over for our study on Wednesday.....hehehe...I can point out/mention some things that will come back to them on Sunday.


  • garybuss

    Awesome! A commercial for the branch!

    Message: Fearing Jehovah = being a Jehovah's Witness and working at the "branch".

  • avengers

    Thanks Blondie for showing us these articles.

    What I don't understand is how you can sift through this crap, keep it up week after week without barfing.

    Well at least I get to see the Watchtower and I wouldn't otherwise.

    Good fuel. We can use their own words against this evil slave.

    Keep up the good work.


  • Momofmany
    Thanks blondie that was really good......................can you tell me where it says that Davids wives were publiclly raped........I have NEVER heard or read of that account.............and why were they

    If you read 2 Samuel chapters 11 and 12, you can read the whole thing. It was David's punishment. Which sometimes really makes me angry. His wives were shammed, his son killed, because of his sin. Other's paid for him.

    II Samuel 12:11 This is what the Lord says: ?I am about to bring disaster on you 46 from inside your own household! 47 Right before your eyes I will take your wives and hand them over to your companion. 48 He will have sexual relations with 49 your wives in broad daylight! 50

  • earthtone

    What does OT stand for

    Great article, Blondie

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