I remember a lady telling us that jesus was in her house, and the brother I was working with said "well, you can keep him, we haven't come to take him away" The lady was nonplussed, and I was a bit embarassed.
Another time, I was out with Trev, but was doing most of the talking. The ladt at the door was a "yes" person, just saying yes to every question, like do you think the world is wicked, do you see a time when we can live in paradise, etc. Trev interjected with a question "do you think the world will end in 20 minutes", to which she said "yes"! Then he said "will it be by nuclear war" yes again. I was barely able to keep a straight face by this time, so he said "would you like me to show you what the world's future is", and got his bible out, but she said no to that one, and ended the call, much to my relief.