What's the most unexpected comments your JW companion said in the FS?

by JH 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    I remember once, we were in the field service, and my companion was talking to the householder. The householder said, "we don't go to church anymore", thinking this would deceive us....lol

    So, my JW friend told him, hey that's great !!! Congratulations !!!

    You should have seen the face of that householder.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    One time while out in service this JW I was working with obviously had no presentation, he was just making it up as he was going along. He also didn't take the time to check and see what magazines we where offering. The first thing he asked the householder was "Would you think I'm crazy if I told you we where living in the last days?". The householder said "no". He wasn't prepared for this and started to ramble on for a minute or two about the 'last days'. When he finished he made this remark, which I will never forget. "Well, now I would like to leave with you a coupple of magazines that have absolutely nothing to do with what i'm talking about". I'm never forget that, it was just so stupid.

  • ButtLight

    I remember I use to hear from the householder, "Im not interested!" The reply was, "And what exactly is it that your not interested in?" Not funny, but embarrassing

  • JH
    Im not interested

    Did you make an indecent proposal

  • lovelylil

    One time I was discussing with the householder how God hears prayers and would never leave anyone that believed in him without the necessary things such as food, clothing etc. When all of a sudden, the elderly lady who came to the door with me said "Thats not true, I needed food many times and God didn't help me". Then she went into a big story about how her husband got sick, she lost her home, she had kids to feed and needed food. She prayed and prayed but got no help.......no one in the congregation helped either........on and on and on. I just stood there in stuned silence for a while then finally said : Well there is always an exception to the rules, I guess. We then left and never went back to that house. Lilly

  • JH
    no one in the congregation helped either.

    What JW congregation was she in?

  • Mary

    One woman said she hated Witnesses because we allow our children to die rather than take blood and she thought our religion should be banned. The moron I was working with then asked her if she wanted a free home bible study to show her why we let our children die.

    I was embarassed and mortified beyond belief at her stupidity.

  • hambeak

    One time when out in field service with the circuit overseer a stripper answered the door fully clothed and expressed interest in the magazines.

    As we were leaving he made the comment when we return I hope she doesn't come to the door in her working uniform. I was only 15 lmao

  • target

    I remember auxilary pioneering with a teenage JW and as she finished speaking to the householder, she stepped back and fell down the steps. Also when my son was a young teenager, we were at a house together and as he was talking, he reached to the side to lean on the railing, only there was not one and he fell into the bushes.

    One house the young lady and I went to was an elderly lady being cared for by a caregiver and the caregiver answered the door and said "I can't talk to you now. I have my lady on the toilet!"

    Memories from long, long ago.


  • fullofdoubtnow

    I remember a lady telling us that jesus was in her house, and the brother I was working with said "well, you can keep him, we haven't come to take him away" The lady was nonplussed, and I was a bit embarassed.

    Another time, I was out with Trev, but was doing most of the talking. The ladt at the door was a "yes" person, just saying yes to every question, like do you think the world is wicked, do you see a time when we can live in paradise, etc. Trev interjected with a question "do you think the world will end in 20 minutes", to which she said "yes"! Then he said "will it be by nuclear war" yes again. I was barely able to keep a straight face by this time, so he said "would you like me to show you what the world's future is", and got his bible out, but she said no to that one, and ended the call, much to my relief.

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