Glad to see I'm not alone in speaking up.
Once called to be disciplined over interfering in a committee matter and ended up exposing one elder as a major liar and told another one there that the watchtower he pushed in my face did'nt apply in this case - and it did'nt!
Another time I made a comment to an Elder whilst visiting him at home about his copy of the book of Mormon on his bookshelf. I was a mormon before and asked him whether he thought there was a difference between having books on satanism and having the book of mormon as the society says they are satan works.
Well he did,nt say too much to me but he did to the CO who was staying at his house for the CO visit. The CO called me up and asked me to come around and proceeded to lecture me on letting people read what they will because of their conscience! Well I answered forcefully that I was under the impression that it would be unwise to read the writings of those opposed to the "truth" ,and he said that they have the book of mormon at bethel so I proceeded to tell him that this was wrong ,even hypocritical to tell us not to read apostate material and then have it on the shelf themselves! When I look back there were many things I put back in my mind but in time it all came back and motivated me to question everything the society teaches.
That CO ended up leaving the society