my family still considers me active, although "weak". the elders, who knows what they consider me? they don't give me anything but suspicious looks and the occasional mean mug. but, since I'm a girl, that's probably how they would act even if I was a true believer.
when the time is right with my family, I will leave. I figure, no need to jump into anything. I've jumped into everything without thinking it through and acted without a plan, it's time I learned how to protect myself and do something the smart way.
Every decision you make has a price when you have family still in. I'm only responsible for myself, no kids, no husband, so it's only me affected by what I'm doing, but it's a tough situation and it's made me stronger so far. 2 years fading now. At first it was so intolerable, the anger was almost uncontrollable. I'm much more philosophical about it now, and much better able to deal with the situation. But it has by no means been an easy ride.
And I'm not sure it's going to pay off in the end. There are no guarantees I'm making the right choice, but I'm doing the best I can right now.