Patterson vs Walkill vs Warwick
by Magnum 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
So now everyone knows my spelling sucks. Thanks Billy and Blondie. Slaughterhouse is still there. Some vegetables, strawberries, blueberries all still grown there. Millions of dollars worth of late model John Deere tractors, farming, harvesting, trucks, trailers and equipment at WTF. Still quite a farming operation going on. One day this week I'll snap a couple pics from the road and post them. -
@billy who was talking about people? not me -
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
who was talking about people? not me
Oh, right, you mean it's HUGE INVISIBLY!
Because the visible part is not that impressive.
@Billy when was your last time at Wallkill? -
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
when was your last time at Wallkill?
Time for the ad hominem attacks, eh? I disprove your HUGE nonsense so now you are looking to find some way to discredit me. Silly apologist, get back on topic.
Thanks for the info Billy the Ex, pontoon, blondie, and others. And Village Idiot, I agree with you that the personnel factor is important; I consider it to be on topic.
It just seems to me that with the reduction in personnel (the permanent layoffs), the reduction in printed material (ongoing trend), etc. that there is not a need for all their real estate.
Billy the Ex: Yes, originally the GB was intended to move up to Patterson, but a few years into construction and they decided the area was dullsville. GB 1.0 was accustomed to the excitement of the city and surrounded by a huge bethel family of the thousands. They seemed to connect with the needs of NYC congregations and many of them would go out preaching right on the promenade. Moving to Patterson seemed too remote, too small, and out of touch for them. I was there when the change of plans came along and the GB decided to stay in Columbia Heights.
But for GB 2.0, they seem to dig the luxury and remoteness of the Warwick compound. I think they decided on Warwick in order to distance themselves from Legal and Service at Patterson, and inky book printing and shipping at Wallkill. And the sick and elderly will spend their remaining days at Patterson and Wallkill, not Warwick.
So in answering your question, Warwick would have been overkill because it would have been very cheap and easy to move the GB to Patterson or Wallkill, but GB 2.0 clearly didn't want either place. They want a new place just for them and without any connection to GB 1.0.
Interesting. So the GB boys get to pick and choose on the nickel of the rank and file. It seems that maybe GB 1.0 preferred the big city where they could play corporate big-shot, but then the decision was made to sell all the big city stuff, so it was decided to build Warwick where GB 2.0 can have luxury.
insidetheKH yes you are correct - however a recent c.o visit informed us that some (probably a small amount) of the european printing is done in canada - but he didn't say for which countries though. very strange. -
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
a recent c.o visit informed us that some (probably a small amount) of the european printing is done in canada - but he didn't say for which countries though. very strange.
It might be a matter of language. Not sure if it's still the case, but I think Vietnamese or some of the other smaller languages were translated and/or printed in Canada and shipped out from there. Similarly, foreign language litteratrash distributed in the USA will come from other printing branches besides the US and Canada.
Ten bucks says that Patterson and Walkill will be closed down with their functions transferred to Warwick by 2020. -
@magnum and billy the ex=> You two are absolutely correct! I went recently to tour Warwick. Although the scenery of Blue Lake is wonderfully breathtaking and the outside grounds are picturesque, the tour guide sister assigned to the group l was in advised us that pictures can be taken of everything---except for (wait for it) the buildings which the Bethel Family reside in! It is "a cardinal rule that no one is to take photos of the buildings where the family live in. Visitors can only look briefly at these areas when --and only when they come for a tour", she forewarned us adamately.
These particular buildings (and I really wish one of my own fam members could have snuck a snapshot) have on every floor a balcony and spacious windows (kind of condo-ish, imho). So, it does seem that the GB and their folks arranged the whole Warwick setting to live in the lap of luxury (they don't care about the R&F!)!