I seem to remember something about a WTS book that is used to instruct member on how to lie in custody battles, etc....
Do any of you know what I am talking about?
I would like more information on this, if it does indeed exist.
by whyizit 12 Replies latest jw friends
I seem to remember something about a WTS book that is used to instruct member on how to lie in custody battles, etc....
Do any of you know what I am talking about?
I would like more information on this, if it does indeed exist.
Yes! It's the one on child custody cases. Someone should have a link for it.
I seem to remember it's a brochure rather than a book. I have never seen one, but I'm sure some other posters have.
It is called Preparing for Child Custody Cases
You can download the PDF here: http://www.reexamine.info/80s/childcustody.pdf
I'm having trouble down loading files on my computer.
Does anyone know how I can obtain an actual copy of this?
Ask at your friendly neighborhood Kingdom Hall.
You will find that the nation of Israel (which was a type of today modern JW organization, doncha know) did not have a freedom of information concept.
If you want information about JWs, you have to go to the apostates.
You can get it here:
Evidently I don't have enough memory or something in my computer to down load this file.
I would really like to obtain a copy of this book. However, I'm quite sure the local KH isn't going to just hand one over to me, since I'm not a JW.
Know where a person might be able to get one, yet remain "incognito"?
It won't load onto my computer either. Dang, I want to see it!
There's a copy available on eBay
Item no. 260031860504 if link doesn't work
This book is quite telling...
"Remember to smile and keep it positive!...Tell the court the positive aspects of over 6.5 billion people dead armageddon."