How Much Do You Wanna Bet That The Pope Is Going To Be Assassinated???

by minimus 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    Lets do a reality check. Bottom line. The muslim reglion is of with your head if you do not convert to that faith. The pope or anyone else is going to get the sword. That means you and your family Minimus. If they had their way, no religion except Allah and Mohammed. Die by the sword or convert. If they had the power Nuclear Weapons, they would not hesitate to use them against Jews and or Christians. Therefore, religion by force is a danger to anyone who thinks otherwise. The Muslim community is silent on this , why? They claim to be a peaceful religion.Mini, tell me I'm wrong on this.


  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    First of all, one should hear or read the whole speech the pope made, he quoted! From what I got from his speech it was that we in the world didn't learn from our past and that muslims just like christians shouldn't take up a sword to spread the word of god. So I think before Muslims, and all of you bash the pope you should hear the whole speech and not just take a qoute out of context. Also how many Muslim leaders have said death to America, or Jews should die, crap like that, we don't burn flags or go riot in the streets over it, extremist look for things to prove why they are the way they are.

    I think the popes agenda was for peace, and love. Another thing, I heard mention a few times here about the pope's infalliblity that only is to dogma and faith, if you asked any catholic priest he will tell you this, as a Pope is still human.

    Its amazing to hear a lot of catholic bashing on this website, more than any other (nonJW) religion, are the lot of you still i ndoctrinated by the WTS? I am not trying to pick a fight with anyone here, but its just something I've noticed since I've been a member on this board.

    A long time ago I dated a girl who was a International Church of Christ member, for those of you who don't know what that is, they are very much like JW's, and she almosted didn't date me because I recently converted to Catholic, her family hated me, they all hated catholics and talked so aweful about the Catholic church. If I was a Jew, Mormon, Baptist would it be different? Seems that a lot of new religions have to discredit the Catholic church.

  • greendawn

    But why do they get offended, it is a fact that their Koran advises spreading Islam by the sword. And that is indeed how they spread their religion. Unlike Christianity which grew in the midst of terrible persecution passively fighting to survive.

    A moslem nut may try to assassinate the pope as did a Turk about 20 years ago. India has a large Moslem minority of 175 million though that's only about 15% of the population, it's the second largest Moslem community after Indonesia.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    The Pope obviously sees the danger, as he's put out an apology today, here's the link:

    It says that Morocco withdrew their ambassador to the Vatican in protest.

  • ICBehindtheCurtain

    What is truly amazing to me is that the Pope can have the audacity to say anything about spreading religion with a sword, does he not know his own church's history? The christians spread their religion in the america's in exactly the same manor, you either convert and abandon your pagan ways or you die. The indians in Mexico and the Carribean didn't stand a chance, these people were tortured treated like savages, the women were raped and killed, the ones left alive were enslaved, their culture basically wiped out, all for a load of BS meant to control the masses and keep them obedient. All three major religions Jews, Muslims and Christians originated with the same book, the Torah or Old testament, and most of us know, these stories were made up, they are all wrong, but unfortunately they all believe they are right and will continue the bloodshed until they have killed each other off! I wish they would see the big picture, that we are all HUMANS, and we all share this same planet, It's time to move on and realize that these ancient stories are just that, stories, with no basis on fact.


  • poppers

    "They never got Salman Rushdie, did they?" Not yet, but he's still in hiding I think. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if some sort of "order" will be put out on the Pope justifying his assasination based on the Koran - and there will be many enthusiastic zealots who will seek to fulfill that order. It appears that Islam more than any other religion sees a need to protect the virtue of the image it has of itself, regardless of how that image appears to others.

  • hambeak

    I agree the muslims are always insulted about something. Which country was it that expelled the Muslims that were not citizens? I thought it was the Netherlands. I say send em all back home let them fight each other til they're all gone.

  • minimus

    It ain't lookin' good for the Pope. He's on the death list now.

  • diamondblue1974

    It was good of him to apologise to the islamic community for any offence caused however it seems a shame that the Jewish community is still waiting for theirs. Perhaps its because he doesnt feel under any imminent threat from the Jewish community as he might from muslim extremists!


  • Fleshybirdfodder

    "DEATH TO THOSE WHO SAY ISLAM IS NOT A RELIGION OF PEACE!....... oh, wait a minute..."


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