First of all, one should hear or read the whole speech the pope made, he quoted! From what I got from his speech it was that we in the world didn't learn from our past and that muslims just like christians shouldn't take up a sword to spread the word of god. So I think before Muslims, and all of you bash the pope you should hear the whole speech and not just take a qoute out of context. Also how many Muslim leaders have said death to America, or Jews should die, crap like that, we don't burn flags or go riot in the streets over it, extremist look for things to prove why they are the way they are.
I think the popes agenda was for peace, and love. Another thing, I heard mention a few times here about the pope's infalliblity that only is to dogma and faith, if you asked any catholic priest he will tell you this, as a Pope is still human.
Its amazing to hear a lot of catholic bashing on this website, more than any other (nonJW) religion, are the lot of you still i ndoctrinated by the WTS? I am not trying to pick a fight with anyone here, but its just something I've noticed since I've been a member on this board.
A long time ago I dated a girl who was a International Church of Christ member, for those of you who don't know what that is, they are very much like JW's, and she almosted didn't date me because I recently converted to Catholic, her family hated me, they all hated catholics and talked so aweful about the Catholic church. If I was a Jew, Mormon, Baptist would it be different? Seems that a lot of new religions have to discredit the Catholic church.