Hopes to reverse global warming!

by Gill 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • zagor

    Global warming is real, only people that doubt it are uninformed politicians and journalists. Doesn't it strike you as odd that great majority of those, what do we call them, oh yeah that's right, scientists, do no doubt it at all.

    The truth is, we could stop it if we change infrastructure from top to bottom, which costs too much. The only future I see is if we somehow manage to switch oil for novel uses of electricity. (provided we have enough of it of course) Tesla Motors have recently proven that it can be done. The question is, is there enough commitment from our leading people to do it

  • JimWood

    Let me see if I got the right. The earth is billions of years old, man has been around for 20k years, writing since 900BC and accurate and useful record keeping of events like weather for around 100. All other evidence is implied through the study of ice, tree rings, etc.

    So what your saying is that humans are so completely narcissistic that in only 100 years of industrial revolution we have been able to upset, accelerate, destroy a planet that has been around for billions of years. Hold on now, let me present this hypotheses, there has been in a warming period since the last Ice age. As you may have heard there has been more than one Ice Age, and I will go out on a limb here, but there was probably warming periods between each, thus different Ice ages.

    Everything in the universe is cyclical, and yes even the climate on earth.

  • frankiespeakin
    Let me see if I got the right. The earth is billions of years old, man has been around for 20k years, writing since 900BC and accurate and useful record keeping of events like weather for around 100. All other evidence is implied through the study of ice, tree rings, etc.

    I like to know where you get the 20k figure from? And yes studying and measureing ice and tree rings gives us a very clear picture of earth climate conditions, but you would have do a little more research on the subject, before you make statements disqualifying it.

  • Gill

    Jim Wood. Sadly, people don't have that kind of memory. I totally agree that climate and even this global unfolding event is cyclical but perhaps slightly accelerated by cutting down of forests and too much pollution. But my understanding is that just one volcano errupting can produce more pollution than the human race does in one year.

    So, the answer? Who really knows. The human race will have to adapt, as it has always adapted. Unless something truly catastrophic occurs, we will go on.

  • JimWood

    frankiespeakin ** "I like to know where you get the 20k figure from?"

    I am speaking about modern man, Neanderthals it is speculated by a lot of scientists made their last stand in Spain around 30,000 years ago before being wiped by the spread of homo sapiens, which I personally think is George W Bush's fault.

  • frankiespeakin


    So, the answer? Who really knows. The human race will have to adapt, as it has always adapted. Unless something truly catastrophic occurs, we will go on.

    The earth has a way of bringing populations (human or other types) under control or extinction. The way I see it is that we have grown(the human population) tremendously in the last 200 years which has caused thousands of other spiecies to become extinct, perhaps excelerated gobal warming may bring our population back down to eviramentally friendly proportions, or even make us become extinct.

  • Gill

    frankiespeakin - Perhaps some form of population control, as an end result is inevitable. I believe it has happened before in the distant past and have recently been reading Hapgood's Path of the Pole. He believed that the Earth's crust moves suddenly at times and that in the past has made sudden lurches of as much as 2000 miles wiping out entire, advanced civilisations. Evidence of these advanced civilisations are found under the sea in many places including India, Japan, off the Maldives, off the coast of South America etc.

    Einstein believed that because of the rate that the Earth rotated and the uneven weight off the ice caps it was inevitable that sudden or even gradual Earth Crust Displacement would take place. If it is sudden then we're stuffed. If it is gradual, the human race may have a good chance of adapting and survival but with huge climate changes taking place.

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