I know a lot of Christians, not just JWs, don't feel comfortable celebrating Halloween. For me, it's just an excuse to have fun. Are there a lot of you out there who have fun on Halloween?
Who celebrates Halloween?
by love2Bworldly 37 Replies latest jw friends
I do I do!!! It's just an excuse to have fun for me too..I hate to brag but I have an AWESOME party!! Full of spooky food and drinks!! What am I gonna die at the Big-A if I celebrate Halloween!! Come on
Well, I have never personally celebrated it, and it doesn't seem to be celebrated in the UK as much as in the USA, as far as I can see, but my bf and I will probably do something this year, partly because we can now we are free of the wts, and mainly because November 1st is the first aniversary of my da'ing, and I definitely want to celebrate that.
I love Halloween! I will be over 6 months pregnant by then, and I am going as a nun with my kids. I decorate my house and love every moment of it!!! I love trick or treating with my kids, (maybe I am the kid?).
I was just invited to a Halloween party, I'm going to go. It'll be my first, so not sure what I should go as??? JW...haha
me.. i love making my pumpkins! and tarts! and there is nothing better than dressing up as a witch
My first Halloween (2002) felt a bit strange (as did signing birthday cards, etc., at first), but ended up being a blast. I came to work dressed as that main character from the movie 'Scream,' complete with black robe, hood, gloves, & fake blood that would appear on the plastic knife & mask with the press of a button
Everybody loved it...
My 8 year old wants to. We (Little Drummer Boy and I) just DA'd ourselves this week. Our son wants to be a Vampire. I figure why not let him have fun with it before he gets too old for it? By the way, just between me and the thousands of you, we secretly had an Easter Egg hunt this past Easter at my Mom's house. We were still JWs then, though inactive. Our son had a blast. We're trying to make up for the first 8 years of his life not doing any holiday activities.
I certainly do!
I'm pagan so I usually meet with a local coven for a Samhain ritual. I also like the fun side of Halloween though...
Looking forward to it!
I have an AWESOME party!!
YES you do Beautiful... I can't wait for the 2nd annual one next month!