SHUNNING: How did you feel after your 1st?

by jambon1 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • jambon1

    The practice of shunning really is, unreservedly, my main problem with the religion. I have come to this conclusion after many months out of the org. There are, of course many, many other things that just pi$$ me off about the religion but this just gets to me, each and every day I live.

    And yet, I have never experienced shunning in the manner in which is well documented here. I have no direct relatives in the truth and I am not disfellowshipped. So, I ask myself why? Why does it bother me so much?

    Well, I have children. They are the love of my life. I will love them forever unreservedly. Unless they comit henious crimes against humanity, I will be here for them. It is my natural vocation in life.

    THIS, is the reason that I feel so strongly about the thought of anyone shunning their own flesh and blood for reasons such as sex before marriage, theft, drunkeness, drug abuse, etc, etc. Am I wrong? Am I missing something? I just know that I could not carry out this cruel, judgemental, inhumane practise.

    As I mentioned, I am not disfellowshipped. Yet, some of my former friends locally do at times look the other way in passing traffic, pretend I dont exist at a road crossing (even when you are staring them straight in the face), etc, etc. Are they erring on the side of caution? "Might he be d/f`d by now? Better ignore his existance!"

    When the above happens, I cant help but feel sad. How does this happen? I have disagreed with their beliefs. Thats all. I have not murdered a kid. I have not extorted money from vulnerable old ladies.

    So, I feel sad. It plays on my mind for a while after it happens. Say, a few days or so.

    But these are`nt my family. They are`nt my kids, my mother or my sister. Some of you face this heartache each day.

    So, how does it make you feel. How do you cope with it? Does it get any better for you with the passing of time?

    Regards & love,


  • Honesty

    I love it.

    Especially when they do it in front of people that really know me.

    It lends credulity to everything the public has heard about Jehovah's Witnesses.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I've been officially out almost a year, and have been shunned a few times now. The first couple of times it felt very odd, to have someone I have known for years look through me as if I wasn't there, but I am more used to it now, and it doesn't worry me that much.

  • Finally-Free

    I enjoy shunning JWs, and each time is as good as the first.

    As for them shunning me, I like it. I never liked most of the JWs I knew, and I consider their shunning me a favour. It spares me the pain of having to listen to their mindless drivel.


  • Smiles_Smiles

    I know I am probably a bit weird but I don't care that they may shun me. I am neither DF'd nor DA'd but I know that my sister (as well as others) shun me (until they want something). I feel like I don't want them to talk to me if they don't like me or if I am not healthy for them. I really kind of treat them the same way. I don't wish any harm to them and I still have a feeling of compassion in a way. But I have no desire to talk to them or be around them 99.9% of the time. I would not walk by and not say something if we got eye contact though. That's just ass-n-nine.

    But a paradox does exist. This year my daughter encountered one of our old 'friends' in school and he told her that he shouldn't be talking to her because we might as well have disassociated ourselves. Mind you this is a boy that in some ways is leading a double life. Now when that happened to her I was outraged. How dare he act like he is better then she is. I think I felt that way though because it hurt HER feelings.

    I just reminded to her to remember being in the religion and what it taught. And that it really is HIS problem and not about her. That other people do not define who she is because she is a beautiful soul. And if they can't see that then it's their problem unless she wishes to make it her's in most cases. That helped but I still would have told his double life-ing ass off given the chance. Interestingly though he talks to her all the time now.


  • Nowman

    I left almost 15 years ago, just 18. I was an only child, and I had to be strong and leave. There was a period before I was announced at the hall that I was DFd, that I would get 20-25 calls a day when I retuned home from work, my friends, my parents wanting me to reconsider my decision. It was a shock to the congregation because I was the good little witness. But, once I was DFd. No calls anymore. It hurt alot but I expected it. The shunning thing pains me too, but as time went on, I felt alot better about it. I am sure I hurt my parents when I left but they hurt me too. My dad and I have not seen eachother in 15 years and has never met his 9 amd 7 year old grandchildren. My mom and I did not see each other for 8 years until she came to her senses and left the org too, she was DFd also. But, those early years (right out of the org) were extremely tough. I year after I left, I received an opportunity to move to Colorado, and that was great, I started my life over. It was refreshing. I eventually moved back to Illinois, for my daughter so she could know her family. I can only say that TIME healed most.


  • garybuss

    At first, I was pissed off, now I appreciate it. The jerks bought themselves a bus ticket out of my life.

  • jambon1
    My dad and I have not seen eachother in 15 years and has never met his 9 amd 7 year old grandchildren. My mom and I did not see each other for 8 years until she came to her senses and left the org too

    Very sad. Its a shame for him.


  • jambon1

    The above, which I read after I posted this thread sums things up for me.

    Its why I will never, ever, go back.


  • Elsewhere
    SHUNNING: How did you feel after your 1st?

    Very empowered. Here I was able to move about the city and greet everyone, including JWs, as I pleased while all of the poor little JWs had to scurry and hide from me.

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