I called the Properties Department today to inquire about the Jay St Property and the zoning change that took place recently. Apparently, according to the sister on the phone, the GB gave the go ahead to seek the re-zoning to Special Mixed Use District (MX-2), so that they could expand if needed.
When I asked, "hey I thought Brooklyn was getting smaller?" She laughed and said that they could sell it now for "a lot more" than under the old zoning. Her voice had a really weird sound when she said that, is greedy a voice inflection they teach in the Ministry School now.
Here are some links for those that have not heard about it.
I find it very interesting that the GB would use Beyer Blinder Belle Architects, LLP for just a tentative project. Check out their pedigree on their site;
I also found this, if anyone lives near by, can you go check it out and give a little 5 minute talk. I will only comment on use of gestures and repetition for emphasis.
Plans for this proposal are on file with the City Planning Commission and may be seen in
Room 3N, 22 Reade Street, New York, N.Y. 10007.