Hi Girasole! I believe it is possible to buy transcripts of programmes from C4. I might be wrong but I will look into it.
I made some notes as I watched the programme so bear in mind these are just quick notes.
The whole programme was basically looking at the problem that the book of Revelations causes in those and by those who choose to take it literally. These people are called the 'End Timers'. They await the fulfillment of Revealtion at 'any time' and are mainly composed of Born Again Christians in the USA who are also evangelising all over the world, causing problems in other parts of the world, for example Uganda, where they encourage literal belief in Revelation.
They actively, ( a BA Christian oil driller is interviewed in Israel trying to tap into the Mid East oil and gas reserves as if 'with a straw') intent on causing trouble between Israel and the Mid East.
They actively attempt to rebuild Solomons Temple on the site where the Dome of the Rock now sits. They take in huge stones on lorries attempting to begin construction and have to be stopped by the Israeli army.
They actively belive that if they can rebuild Solomons temple, the 'rapture' will begin. All BA christians will be taken to heaven. The Earth will then endure 7 years of the Great Tribulation and then the War of ARmageddon will begin!
With BA Christians being so numerous in the US and such a strong part of the political world, there is no real incentive to work for peace, environmental causes, and support the only peace supporting organization in the world the United Nations!
Bush has appointed an anti UN spokesman to be the US ambassador to the UN.
To these End Timers, the United Nations and the Secretary General are the Anti Christ . The End Timers work towards Israel being attacked, so that the rapture will occur.
But, apparantly they mis translate what the rapture means. Where it is mentioned in Thessalonians, the Early christians had been bewailing that some of their number had already died and Christ had not returned yet. They were being reassured in Thessalonians, that even the dead would be brought back to Christ when he returns NOT that they would all suddenly vanish off the face of the Earth when the 'rapture occurs!'
This belief system is encouraged by an entourage of 'Solid American Southern Baptist Born Again Christians' who take a very literal interpretation of the Bible. They rival Islam in their fanaticism and literal understanding of the bible. They wallow in symbolism of Revelation of Rivers of blood running for two hundred miles to the height of four feet!
End Timers have spawned an industry in survivalism. Apparantly not everyone who expects to will be caught away in the rapture and they have to Survive the Great Tribulation.
They stock up on food, water, guns, torches radios, generators etc. But guns are essential to their survival.
The End Timers belief system causes problems in there is no effort to end global warming. They have an anti environmentalist attitude.
The USA has 4% of the worlds population and uses 25 % of the oil.
It has 2% of the worlds oil and yet uses 25% of it.
Their ideology is that destruction of the environment is a positive goal as it brings the 'rapture' closer.
Shockingly they view the only organization with the clout to head off wars as the 'antichrist.'
They hate the United Nations. They believe that the UN will be the platform for the greatest evil ever known.
By its hatred the End Timers are tying the hands of the United nations.
Their belief in the apolcalypse has apolcalyptic consequences affecting what happens aroundt he world.
The antichrist is not in Revelations however.
They literally interpret the Mark of the Beast as technology in the future 'chipping' people so that they cannot buy or sell with out it.
I'll be back. Just go to go and pour a cup of tea to shut everyone up!!