Some time (about year or less) ago I was approached (on other christian forum) by JW. He attacked me for attacking JW. Later we started private letter writing (all in i-net) and soon he and I realized that he is not so sure about JW atall. I was polite and not harrassing, we discussed several topics and central was Jesus Christ and how I see Him in light of several scriptures. Strong scripture for him was 2 Cor 5 (end of chapter). I don't remember all we talked but we talked for long time all in the net. Then we stoped and he disappeared. About week ago he announced on the same forum that he has left. He was very friendly to me! Today he is out of JW and seeking for true Truth. I don't know what was my part in all of it, but I am glad that atleast one JW is out because God working through me. It makes me feel a bit more eaven with my real brother who is still there and I guess getting deeper and deeper...
Just wanted to share good news ;)
by Shazard 6 Replies latest jw experiences
Well done! Another person free of the WBTS is something to celebrate.
Yes...sometimes it take years for our little seeds to take root and bloom.
Way to go...
I have a little story to add like this one. Several years ago I had a sister that didn't know my past come by for a bs every week...for two years she came..... I was alwasys nice and asked her questions, but was honest in I didn't want to join. Sometimes she came back with answers to my many many questions....., sometimes not. Then I showed her the UN letter. She said it was all lies....She was visibly upset......that was our last bs..... she never came back.
A couple weeks ago, two different sisters came over .......I started a new bs with them. I asked about the old bs sister. They don't seem too know much about her, except that she didn't move, but she isn't going to the meeting either. Can't help think I might have played a small part in that.
Well done shazad, that's great news!
Deep down some people are not sure why they belong to a certain religion and later find out that their faith was misplaced. Even the Apostle Paul was a great enemy of Christianity at first.
Reading that does me good! I LOVE to hear that another that was captured & used as a slave is walking free. Lets hope he/she walks in the safe direction now!!!! Good planting lad !!!!