Did any one else catch "The View" this week, when she said the following:
(taken from the Tucker Carlson Show on MSNBC)
Next up, Rosie O?Donnell and her seconds week as one of the ladies on ?The Views,? over on ABC. Rosie has been pretty well behaved so far?at least for the first 10 minutes of the show. But after that things get scary and the real Rosie comes out.
Take a look at this.
ROSIE O?DONNELL, ?THE VIEW?: Here?s what you do for diaper rash. You get a friend who?s just had a baby, the dog that?s had babies. You bring your baby over with the puppies, you let the baby naked, and the dog will lick the baby?s (INAUDIBLE).
O?DONNELL: This is what a doctor told me, because there?s antiseptic in the dog?s tongue and the diaper rash will go away.
You don?t believe me, but I tried it.
CARLSON: You get a dog to lick your child?s crotch and that?s good? How long before child protective services shows up, I wonder? How many more ?Views? before the state comes in and does something about it?
We?ll find out. We?ll keep you posted.
Do you think she actually did this or was she joking???????