What would Jesus have to.......

by kerj2leev 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • kerj2leev

    ....change in order to be qualified for baptism (as a Dub)

    Shave his beard

    Cut his hair

  • BritBoy

    ....change in order to be qualified for baptism (as a Dub)

    Shave his beard

    Cut his hair

    .... stop hanging around with 12 other men after dark in city gardens

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Answer hundreds of futile questions.

    Buy a 4 - door car

    Work as a part - time window cleaner or janitor

  • kerj2leev

    BritBoy.....lol classic!

  • monkeyshine

    Bow down to an Earthly organization !!!

  • BizzyBee

    Buy a cheap suit and a large briefcase.

  • Nowman

    he would need to wear a suit and tie (from Banana Republic of course!). He would need to learn about "what not to wear", those awful skirts!


  • sir82

    Bro. Blowhard: I don't know what to think regarding his field service brothers...I mean, there seems to be lots of informal witnessing and street work, but I don't ever remember seeing him in the door to door activity...is his ministry really "balanced"? What does his field service card say, Brother Goober?

    Bro. Goober: Ermmm...I can't find a card with his name on it....has he ever turned in a report? Whose book study is he in?

    Bro. Pantywaist: He's assigned to mine, but I haven't seen him in a long time. I asked him about it, and he said something about being disturbed at all the scriptures being taken out of context. I'm afraid he has little respect for theocratic arrangement.

    Bro. Authortitarian: Well, I don't know how we can even assign anyone to cover the questions with him, as he doesn't even fill in his field service slips and his meeting attendance is irregular...Bro. Dumpitallonme, why don't we assign you to be the one to tell him he doesn't qualify?

  • monkeyshine

    Shave his beard

    Cut his hair

    Yes, Jesus did look pretty worldly.

    It's so funny how they would tell us to look like Jesus is wrong. He's Jesus for god's sake! (pun intended)

    I think he would know what is right not some new school wannabe prophet.

  • kerj2leev


    Jesus only would wear skirts that were at the ankle, never those awful skirts just above the knee!!

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