Yes I did and still do.
More than once I was told about it. They are right. But I think they made too much of a deal about it. Didn't Jehovah refer to "dungy" idols? Doesn't that mean, "shitty" idols?
So, Jehovah used profanity when the occasion called for it. Ha, ha.
by mama1119 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I had no real problem stopping the use of "vulgar" language when I became a JW. I also did not frown when others used it, so they tended to not notice my lack of cuss words. But at work, they eventually noticed. One guy says he will get me to "drop an f-bomb." I tell him it's no big deal, they are only words. He wants to know why I won't say the words then (I still don't). I just say, "Nobody controls me, I say what I want."
Funny though, my faithful JW wife gets upset and uses DAMN under her breath. She feels really bad about it, each time she "slips."
I was raised a JW and I would never ever ever say a swear word, aside from "darn" or "heck". This continued all the way to high school, when I began to say "shit". But I drew a line there and would not say the f-word. I did think however that Joe Pesci was soooo cute when he got all foul-mouthed and tee'd off in his movies, so that loosened me up a bit. It wasn't tho until I moved here ten years ago and befriended a girl who said "f*ck" in such a cute girlish way I started copying her and saying it myself.
He$$ No....well, maybe a little!!! LOL!
I've always been a potty mouth, JW or not.
I have a filthy mouth...but only during sex. It can make quite the experience both for cussing and fornication HA!
I still am not a huge cusser. I am not against it. I just have a 3 year old and try to watch my language with him. Plus, I think an over use of cuss words, makes you look like an idiot.