Reading the Vigil Thread for our friends made me think of this.....Juicers are a good way to get antioxidents(cancer fighters) into your body..I own a Breville 2speed,850w 13,000rpm motor..This sucker could juice chalk..LOL!!..Anyone else here own a juicer,and have you noticed the health benifits from it?...OUTLAW
Do you own a Juicer?
by OUTLAW 30 Replies latest jw friends
I just got a bag of spinach
and I am making juice now.
Yes, we have a juicer.
We tend to use it for fruit mainly, and the juice tastes great, much better than anything you can but.
Fruit juice is nice.Although too much of it,and the bathroom is your best friend..LOL!!..I usually combine fruit and vegetables,that way I don`t spend alot of time on the throne in the bathroom...OUTLAW
I do.... but watch out, too much raw veggies and fruit can do a number to your system if you're not used to it! I'll stop there!
We got one for your anniversary and juiced everything in site. The next morning I had a stomach ach and my tongue was burned from all the acidic juice.
I have an older model Champion juicer which I bought from a couple that was moving out of my apartment complex. Very seldom use it because it is so difficult to clean, but every so often (when I am paranoid about all of the cancer in my family.. ), I will go through a phase of juicing almost daily for a week or two. The usual ingredients include carrots, broccoli, tomatoes, ginger, a spoonful of olive oil, some Tabasco...& maybe a shot or two of . Before this E. coli scare that seems to have swept the country, I might also add a few leaves of fresh spinach too.. fortunate you are to still be able to get spinach. Almost every supermarket here has quit stocking it
I have a small juicer that I got at Goodwill about a year ago. I like it... although my wife (who at the time was my girlfriend) doesn't seem to like it as much.
I haven't used it in a while... but when I did, I liked to juice carrots, and other things. Yummy!
Jim TX -
Van Gogh
RPM's kill.
I own the "Rolls Royce" of juicers: the sweet and slow Green Star GS-1000. Warning: This machine requires dedication and commitment.... it is not a Toyota.
Juices everything verdant and fruity you ever saw on those pretty iridescent WTS paradise pics. From wheatgrass to kale, broccoli and spinach. Juice'm... probably the closest thing you'll ever get to eternal life (in the material realms).
Google Norman Walker and go to:
Just remember: stay away from fruit juice as it contains too much sugar/carbs.
For balancing out taste and palatability, combine any dark green or bright-colored veggie or herb with organic tomato juice or carrots, a dash of real vinegar or sauerkraut, sea salt, soy sauce, chillies... whatever. Don't forget to add in fats like cold-pressed olive oil and/or fish oil, crucial for vitamin digestion.
Juicing completely changed the way I deal with food. Soothe the digestive tract and cut out the carb cravings.
Funny, I learnt to eat healthy from USA websites. Yet, so many Americans still don't seem to get it... -
My son and daughter-in-law own a good old-fashioned Champion juicer. Whenever I visit them they treat me to a glass of carrot-and-beet juice with a little piece of gingerroot in it. Yummmmm :) GentlyFeral