hi doubting bro; http://www.reexamine.org/wtobserver/ is one of the best places to do 100's of hours of research on the wt. http://www.premier1.net/~raines/ is another , really eye opening stuff. these x jw boards get 100's of new members each week. Most of them being active jw's. and i'm very happy for each one, but sad for thier pain. each person fades,start missing meeting, keeps going or straight out da's . to each is his own. most here have large jw families, and have to move slowly. your not the first and will not be the last. the more you learn the more pain you will feel. the pain will make you want to do more research. in the end i hope everyone that comes to these sites, gets what they want out of them. with the least amount of pain. john
Say You're a Bethelite & Monitoring JWD - How Would You Feel About THESE??
by Seeker4 356 Replies latest jw friends
johnny cip
arthur: guys like you should have kept your mouth shut about my posts. from me BUSTING zarco's story about fire. this all started. i read between the lines about what he posted. and called him on it. i was honest. Stop whining like a 4 year old girl. just because zarco left. ther are 100's of jw's working the streets of your town. find them and work them. invite them to your house. and spend hour after hour . reasoning with them. go the a kingdom hall and sit in the library with half a dozen jw's open up thier books right infront of thier faces. and show them the false prophecies. print out flyers and put them on every car near the hall at meeting time. i bet your the type of guy ,that runs and hides in the ladies room , when you see jw's coming. let's talk about the junk you post. and i'll ask what in the world . do your thread topics have to do with the wt. topics like HORRIBLE ALBUM COVERS. that really helps out a jw who want's to knows about 1925. pictures of Mel Gibson. well maybe that will get some jw to watch the passion movie? SCULPTURES from Ron Mueck. of a fat naked man. and an old lady sitting constapated. maybe that will help some jw' learn about the wt's probition of pasturized milk? stop crying over spilled milk. if you were so interested in zarco you should have pm'ed him right away and left him you home phone number. to call your house. don't give me your hypocritical bull. i'll work jw's my way. and you work them your way. i will let the lord judge my work not you. john
I just wanted to jump in and welcome the newcomers!! We really are a good bunch of people!! Please, don't go anywhere!!
arthur: guys like you should have kept your mouth shut about my posts.
Stop whining like a 4 year old girl.
i bet your the type of guy ,that runs and hides in the ladies room , when you see jw's coming.
Well put John. I see that you proved my point about your style of posting. I actually had a good chuckle when reading your response; because it was exactly what I expected.
Let me remind you that I was merely critiquing your method of communication on this forum. Never have I attempted to make value judgments into your personal life or your personal character. I don't know you personally. I do however, have the ability to comment on the many remarks that you made to certain posters on this thread. That's all I did. What I did was perfectly acceptable within the guidelines of this forum.
But, yet again, you have resorted to making very bitter personal attacks that are diversions from the issue at hand. The issue at hand was communication styles on this forum; not activities in our personal lives.
let's talk about the junk you post. and i'll ask what in the world . do your thread topics have to do with the wt.
This is another totally irrelevant point that has nothing to do with the discussion at hand. In an effort to humor you however, you may have forgotten that this forum does contain "Friends", "Humor", "Politics", and "Entertainment" sections. As a member, I have the right to make any thread that I wish. I admit that I don't create threads that have nearly the caliber of some posters like AlanF, leolaia, jwfacts, and others; but how many of us do?
don't give me your hypocritical bull. i'll work jw's my way. and you work them your way. i will let the lord judge my work not you. john
Let me remind you that when you make posts on a forum such as this, your posts are subject to scrutiny, and discussion; whether you like it or not. Again, I was merely commenting on your methods of engagement on this forum. I have never made any statements pertaining to your personal life. If you are going to be a poster on this forum, you better be able to handle some criticism once in a while without flying off the handle. This is how normal, healthy human communication works. I have seen many long-time posters on this sight handle criticism with dignity and maturity; even when they disagree.
I know that you and I will probably never see eye-to-eye in regards to discussion methods on this site. We agree to disagree. But, just as any other poster on this forum; I have every right to comment on any thread that I wish. If you do not want your posts to receive scrutiny or discussion; I would suggest that you use only PMs; or somehow try to find a forum where your statements will have nothing but friendly receptions.
Good thread but it's getting off subject. Tone down the bickering, in fact stop it all together take it to PM's or emails if you must but don't derail an otherwish good thread with your bickering.
I would hate to have to lock this one.
Looks like things calmed down all right! I agree, and see no need for anyone to get too nasty about this. I also find it counter-productive.
I also want to again thank all the new ones who found the courage to get involved with this discussion. I'm sure we'll see some of you again soon.
Let me remind you that when you make posts on a forum such as this, your posts are subject to scrutiny, and discussion; whether you like it or not. Again, I was merely commenting on your methods of engagement on this forum. I have never made any statements pertaining to your personal life. If you are going to be a poster on this forum, you better be able to handle some criticism once in a while without flying off the handle. This is how normal, healthy human communication works. I have seen many long-time posters on this sight handle criticism with dignity and maturity; even when they disagree.
Likewise. Active elders whom post to this form are subject to scrutiny, and discussion, whether they like it or not. If you are going to be an active elder posting to this forum, you had better be able to handle some criticism once in awhile without flying off the handle. This is how communication works. This is not a kingdom hall.
I KNEW you were still here. (Although offline life took precedenve this last week for myself) My point is simply, once you have gained the knowledge of truth regarding the insurmountable lies within the WTBTS organization, it is what you do with it that is the most important. Many, who like you, came here to gain such...
are STILL here. They have not shared the wealth of knowledge. Yet, wait. And wait...as more and more children get sucked up into the dirty wheels that spin the Machine. THIS is why I'm so incensed.
Think about this next time you are at the podium, looking at the flock...of children...how damaging it is to tell small children that they will die at Armageddon if they do not try to get others "in the truth". Look at their faces as you stand there reading them the WTBTS literature and telling them that god hates the world. Knowing the truth about such insanity, how can you NOT tell them the truth? This is my main point. TIME IS TICKING AWAY FOR ALL OF THEM. When is it their turn to learn the real truth...and by whom?
Your last post tells me you understood, somewhat, where I was coming from. I'm glad. It doesn't mean I will now coddle you or give you kudos for it. Kudos comes to those who ACT on what they know. Hopefully, that day will not be far behind in your journey. Hopefully many of YOU will start acting on what you've discovered and focus on the children that are being spiritually raped everyday, and share the REAL truth.