Go to http://reviews2.alexa.com/cgi-bin/reviews.cgi?type=3&url=jehovahs-witness.com or click on reviews at the blue Alexa box at the bottom of the page - I already left a review and marked it as a 5 star site. I think Simon is doing a bang up job - remember - comments are controlled by us, not Simon.
You can leave a review about this Website!
by MrMoe 11 Replies latest jw friends
D wiltshire
Thanks Moe.
When a 2 year old asks a complicated question how do you answer?
How long have you LIVED and how long has God LIVED?
Do you think you always understand his answer? -
Utopian Reformist
Thx again Moe! I placed my vote.
Me too!
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
—Edmund Burke -
Thanks Moe,
That was a thoughtful post.
I will defend, to your death, my right to my opinion.
Thank you, Mr. Moe and Simon,
I am leaving the discussion group, but have left my honest opinion in my "Goodbye" thread and in my rating of the site.
Review posts left so far (most are 5 stars!):
9/18/01 Ladonna: jehovah's-witness.com/When Only The Best Will Do
As a search engine freak, I spent many hours looking for a discussion forum with other XJW's such as myself. I had found one and was quite content until I came across Jehovah's Witnesses.com. Immediately, warmth, understanding, and posters overflowing with rich knowledge, made me feel at ease from the moment I stepped aboard. For anyone out there who is interested, this is "it". The ultimate web-site for XJw's and active Jw's. The site is also wonderfully maintained and well organized; ease of use has obviously been a priority to it's owner whom we all know. Thanks to S. Ladonna~Ana9/18/01 Troubled: jehovahs-witness.com
The advantages of this site are: The tremendous amount of documentation and references provided to support the viewpoints that are expressed and the freedom to express diverse opinions. The disadvantages of this site are: Discussions sometimes become heated, resulting in expressions of ridicule, profanity, and extreme anger. Since ex-JWs outnumber active JWs by a large margin on this site, active JWs can sometimes become the target of such anger.9/18/01 TR: JW related discussions
This web site forum is an excellent resource for those doubting JWs that are curious enough and brave enough to see what the truth about the "truth" is. Many posters from various backgrounds that are either current or ex JWs. Very informative, and well put together web site. TR9/18/01 Utopian Reformist: CYBER PLETHORA OF RESOURCES!
This site is an important resource for anyone interested in the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses. The site is organized into discussion threads which are arranged into categories. The discussion threads contain contributions in the form of research, essays, opinions, quotes, surveys, studies, provided by a wide range of members, from beginners to experts. The membership profiles include active and former witnesses, as well as interested parties. It is truly a learning experience!9/18/01 larc: jehovahs-witness.com
It is one of the most user friendly sites I have seen. I found this site last December and join in dialoge there nearly every day. The value and popularity of the site is evidenced by the number of poster that are registered. When I came here less than a year ago, there were 350. Now there are about 3000.9/18/01 D Wiltshire: J-W.com
Excelent site for those interested in the unadulterated reality of who and what are Jehovah's Witnesses. Moderation is keep to the barest minumum to allow free expession of posters, which on ocassions can get a little heated(for the most part helpful). Freedom seems to be the rule rather that the exception here, you will definitely learn a great deal at this spot. Perhaps more that you want too.9/18/01 MrMoe: Jehovah's Witness Discussion - Thumbs Up!
This board has a potpourri of posters, both Active Jehovah's Witnesses and former Jehovah's Witnesses. It provides viewpoints from both sides of the spectrum as well as a support center for those looking for answers. It is a diverse mix of people sharing their personal ideas and viewpoints. This forum discusses topics facing all persons today - both religious and non-religious perspectives. I truly enjoy posting on this site and hope to be able to post for a long time to come. - MrMoe -
Moe, you can sure be clever when you want to be.
Thanks for the post!How long have you LIVED and how long has God LIVED?
1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 to .000000000000000000000000000000001
Who is like God? -
Hmmm - smart when I want to be, huh? And what is that supposed to mean?
Hey MrMoe,
Thanks for the link, I will have to add my 2 cents worth.
BTW...love your new pic! Looks a lot more like you!