I found this the other day as I was doing my thing and immediately assumed it was left for a muslim. As I got reading it, I was shocked and then disgusted at the bait-and-switch technique used. Enjoy the comic! BTW, you can find the "tract" here: http://www.chick.com/reading/tracts/1004/1004_01.asp
Innocent enough cover.
This is where I first realised that this wasn't a muslim booklet. Quoting from "Hebrews". What's going to happen next?
"Allah is a satanic counterfeit" That's going to win over someone!
"I was such a faithful muslim, and now I'm going to disown my faith because of this 2 minute conversation, except my family will disown me!" Yeah right.
Uh, oh. We've been told now. When the muslim who reads this stands before God to see if his name is in the book of life, God's going to say to him, "Remember that insulting, offensive tract that was left in the bathroom stall for you. Well, that was your chance, now you're going to hell."
What a crock. I'd be interested if there is any Muslim printings like this that could be posted and commented on.