Christian propaganda found in a truck stop stall.

by kwintestal 12 Replies latest social current

  • kwintestal

    I found this the other day as I was doing my thing and immediately assumed it was left for a muslim. As I got reading it, I was shocked and then disgusted at the bait-and-switch technique used. Enjoy the comic! BTW, you can find the "tract" here:


    Innocent enough cover.

    This is where I first realised that this wasn't a muslim booklet. Quoting from "Hebrews". What's going to happen next?

    "Allah is a satanic counterfeit" That's going to win over someone!

    "I was such a faithful muslim, and now I'm going to disown my faith because of this 2 minute conversation, except my family will disown me!" Yeah right.

    Uh, oh. We've been told now. When the muslim who reads this stands before God to see if his name is in the book of life, God's going to say to him, "Remember that insulting, offensive tract that was left in the bathroom stall for you. Well, that was your chance, now you're going to hell."

    What a crock. I'd be interested if there is any Muslim printings like this that could be posted and commented on.


  • daystar

    Yeah, Jack Chick is hilarious! I think he should have his own show on Comedy Central. My favorite is this one:


  • jstalin

    A very loving god, indeed.

  • daystar

    Yeah, Cthulhu rocks! LOL!

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I find jack chick tracts slightly amusing sometimes, but there are people who might be offended by them, particularly the Muslim one.

  • jayhawk1

    Daystar, your first post on this thread has a critter that reminds me of this critter...

    The Flying Spaghetti Monster.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo
    A very loving god, indeed.

    Well, he did apologise before he packed the guy off to eternal hellfire lol! Jack Chick is a prime example of the gospel preached without love - 1 Corinthians 13


    Jack Chick tracts make me laugh. Though there is one, I think it is called The Lonely One, that is very moving. I used to go to church with a lady that made a short film based on it. There were no words just the panels, and it was the story of an abandoned little girl, her life and her death.

  • daystar


    Eh, the Flying Spaghetti Monster is a cheap knockoff of Lovecraft's Cthulhu!

    Charlatan!! False God!!

  • daystar

    Check out all of Chick's work here -

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