"Leaving the Truth" The Easy Way

by metatron 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • bluesapphire

    Do you mean to actually GO to the new congregation, have your cards transferred and then fade? I am thinking this might work...

    I could go to a congregation far away from me and give a bogus address, have my cards transferred and then go to another congregation and do the same thing and then just stop going. Then they will lose total contact and my cards will be "lost."

    What do you think?

  • Justice-One

    A good rule is TRUST NO ONE. I only have TWO people that I completely trust, and they are the only ones that know my true feelings.

    It is also a good idea to live your life as if you are constantly being watched. - As you probably are. After all, every witness is taught to be a good little snitch.

    And if all else fails, just make sure there is not more than one witness, then lie like hell. - I didn't do it, nobody saw me do it, you can't prove a thing.

    I have mananged to be quite content with the above "rules." It is not the best way to live, but I have learned to make do.

    I would make a great spy.

  • 5go

    I don't know if one can fade now though with the new bookstudy emergency contact list. They might have you no matter where you go because they will ask for your new adress if you give a bogus one and the new elders spot it (I.E. like a address, road, building, or apartment that dosen't exist)and they got you. Then the new elders report back saying hey this ain't right and here comes the JC anyway.

    You might just be better off taking the pill.

    Oh and awarning to those who faded recently expect a visit I here the whoever your bookstudy overseer is suposed to get your adress and phone number pure society orders. In other words they're cracking down on fading.

  • V
    I don't know if one can fade now though with the new bookstudy emergency contact list.

    Word to the wise: fade from book studies first.

    For transistion, try moving to the day-time bookstudy (most congregations have one for older ones that meets at the hall). Claim work schedule issues or whatever applies. Then simply stop going, no need to actually appear at the day-time book study.

  • moshe

    Good ideas Mate! I just wished I ahd thought of some of these. A faked head injury would be great ,too. You could claim disorientaion and memory loss. After many embarrassing questions/answers from you at the KH meetings the elders would be glad to see you fade !

  • Sassy

    I have a hard time thinking of any way out easy..

    some are less evasive and come with less repurcussions, but none of them are easy

  • exwitless

    Metatron-I can't say I totally agree with your tactic. No one should have to "pretend" to be ill and/or depressed to have an excuse for fading. Those who battle true depression might find this suggestion offensive, as it trivializes the seriousness of the illness. Leaving the JWs can be as easy as writing a letter, saying "I'm leaving". Regardless of how you do it, the consequences that follow leaving are the harder part to deal with.

  • 5go

    If you do not attend the bookstudy you're automaticaly put into the kingdom hall book study and that bookstudy overseer is incharge of keeping up on you and all the other JW rejects (I.E disfellowshipped or inactives). He supposed to get your info.

    Basicaly they shrunk the congregations down to the bookstudy level if you have trouble or get in trouble the bookstudy overseer is suposed to ether handle it or help in handling it.( Like consel you if you have doubts or if there is a problem find out what it is and inform the P.O. If they need to get a JC. so they have you)

    Now if you are lucky like me the elders are lazy but I see the they have me here. The C.O. I think just or someone put some hitmen elders in or congregation. I am not sure yet but the just moved and sudenly the are appointed depite the fact that we don't need more elders and the congragation near by does. Our congragtion is a faders paradise, or at least it seems lot of people move and soon just stop coming. So they are atleast up to something.

    I think they have strategy for faders. I just hope it fails.

  • Honesty
    I say take the red pill and Disassociate yourself !

    Worked for me in 2004.

  • willyloman

    Not everyone can a DA. Family or even business connections sometimes make that impossible. If fade you must, Met's advice is sound. It's pretty much the way we did it.

    Once you've established that you are "not well" and have some sort of chronic, inexplicable illness, they'll stop expecting you at every meeting. And when you change congos and they send your cards over, they will also send a letter to your new BOE which will explain to them that you aren't well and miss a lot of meetings. This lowers the expectations of the new congo so that you really only need to show up once in a while until you are sure your cards have arrived (a month is probably enough). After that, you can just disappear and not ever answer your phone. Very few elders will chase down somebody who just moved in and misses a lot of meetings and has some sort of "problem." They've got enough problems!

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