At one of the places I work the secretary is able to bring her kids to work with her . Last week her oldest turned four years old and they had treats and several of us brought her gifts during the day . Today one of my co-workers came up and wanted to know if she could ask me a question . She asked "Are you one of Jehovah's Witnesses ? I thought you were , but you brought a birthday gift last week and I know JW's don't do that. " A couple of other ladies were standing near by and joined in the conversation ....I explained that I am what they call inactive no longer practicing . They asked alot of other questions like was I raised as a witness , what changed my mind , why witnesses believe certain things, did my kids feel like they were cheated out of alot as kids . I told them that I have to be careful what I say because another worker there is still an active witness , and it could create problems for my family that are still believers . They were appalled when I explained what disfellowshipment means . I guess I was stupid to bring that birthday gift and cause all this commotion . I just wanted to think I was free to do whatever I felt like doing, but that will never be true as long as the org. has the power to put pressure on my family. So I wonder how long before this all gets around the shop ? The witness that works there is my husbands ex sister in law and use to be a very good friend of mine . Now she tries to avoid speaking to me .
So I guess they have noticed at work I am no longer a JW
by troubled mind 10 Replies latest jw friends
It is sad, but it is hard to ever be free of the Org. If you are not disfellowshipped you will always have to look over your back before doing anything. If you are disfellowshipped you are still manipulated by the shunning you will receive from family and friends. It will not be too soon when the WTS crumbles and dies.
***So I wonder how long before this all gets around the shop ? The witness that works there is my husbands ex sister in law and use to be a very good friend of mine.***
Unless the ex-SIL has another witness (JW, not your co-workers) to your "heinous" act of giving a birthday gift, the JC technically can do nothing about it (two-witness rule). So if she or any elder asks you about it, use apostacratic warfare and say you don't know what she's talking about. -
johnny cip
sounds like the other girls at work will understand your problem. and will keep it hush hush. they will want you at the next party. and will go out of their way to ,keep it from your jw work mate. plus now you get to anti witness. and have fun doing it. it will work out.. plus 2 verses to use on any jw that throws it in your face. rom 14;6-8 col 2;16. john
I quit!
Can't you get in trouble with the labor laws if you treat someone different at work because of their religion. I'm just asking but I would think witness at a job are under an obligation to their employer to get along with their fellow employees no matter what their religion or lack of it is?
I remember how good I felt after all the years of avoiding Christmas parties at work to be able to join in and just enjoy the spirit of the occasion. I felt really stupid about how I had acted in the past.
I told them that I have to be careful what I say because another worker there is still an active witness
The witness that works there is my husbands ex sister in law
Oh fudge. I can hear the song "Taps" playing right now.
There is an active jw where I work, but she doesn't bother me. I know she spread a bit of gossip when I first left, but my colleagues didn't take much notice, they prefer me now I'm not trying to give them magazines or tracts.
It's a shame that the org can still get at people through their families, and won't hesitate to do it if it suits their purpose, such loving people aren't they?
it is hard to ever be free of the Org
That's true, especially when you've faded - it feels like you can never truly be yourself.
Calico Ethel
I also work with someone who is still active (pioneer) and she avoids me as much as possible at work. She only talks to me if she has to. She only does this I'm sure because I don't hold back from talking the way I want to (about sex and swearing). I thought JW's were supposed to have "LOVE" for everyone? why go door-to-door otherwise?
This is one of the major reasons that I chose to write a DA letter and let the chips fall where they may. I am not cool enough to do "the fade thang" and I have to be ME. Less chance of messing up that way, LOL!
Shortly after I left the WTS, I remember picking up my grandson (who lives with us and was being raised as a JW) after school for Halloween Roller Skating party.....and when I was waiting---his school counselor made a beeline over to me and came up and HUGGED ME for letting him attend the event. He had never been to any holiday function or event and SHE was ecstatic---for him AND for ME for breaking free of that horrid religion!
You'll be surprised at how many nice people will come forward and say some interestings things now! News gets exJW usually doesn't have to make any grand announcements about it!