All races came from Adam???

by cyberdyne systems 101 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • cyberdyne systems 101
    cyberdyne systems 101

    Was it possible that we were taught that all races came from the same family?! When I look back at that idea it seems very awkward and flawed. I believe there was some mention of one of the early Bible charactors as having darker skin - as though Adam was a white man to begin with! Anybody else had thoughts about this?

    CS 101

  • bubble

    Yeah my thoughts are : we were taught a load of BS and we actually fell for it hook, line and sinker!!

    AS IF that is how all races came to be. Evolution makes so much sense now I'm out of the org and can make an intellectual analysis for myself.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Yeah, we were taught that the differrent - coloured races came from Noahs sons, and where they went after they left the ark to go forth and multiply. All the differrent languages are because of the tower of Babel. I can't believe that I thought that was all true, it's just a fariy tale.

  • kid-A

    Yup ! Except that "Adam" looked something like this.....

  • ICBehindtheCurtain

    First of all, the Genesis story is just that a story, no I don't for a second believe that all humans came from one pair, that is ridiculous! I don't buy the evolution story either, my thought are that we were created and designed by some higher intelligence, not by the Bible God which to me is BS, by who I don't really know, and frankly it doesn't matter. I believe that all living things are influenced by their surroundings, the food available, the environment, the predators etc. Take us in the US for example we are on the average larger, and heavier than lets say people in Africa, because we have access to all this food, but they are thin because of their situation out there, we suffer from diseases brought on by what we consume, they suffer diseases brought on by malnutrition and so on. I don't think it is possible for an animal to purposely change any part of their anatomy to accomplish a task. How would this work? Does a bird with a short beak just sit there and think "Damn, those bugs in that tree sure look freakin good, if only my beak was longer I could reach in there and have a feast" and lo and behold his beak suddenly begins growing his DNA is altered and not only does he get to eat the bugs, but his offspring do too, because now they will all be born with long beaks. I don't know, it just doesn't make sense to me. Because if that was the case, we would all be able to fly, breath underwater, women would have no body hair except for their heads, men would never go bald, and host of other things that humans have always longed for. It might just be me, maybe I just haven't really read enough about this evolution thingy, who knows?


  • RR

    There is more evidence to prove that Adam and Eve were Puertoricans from daBronx!

  • Carmel


    Well it's certainly true that you need to understand the concept of "natural selection" better to consider whether or not "evolution" answers the questions about our origins and the mechanisms that caused speciation. No one that I know beleives that we "will our way" to new morphology. That said, having studied the neo-Darwinian evolution theory, there are still some puzzeling questions yet unanswered, but all in all, it seems to me a "creator" with the ability to put this universe together, could and would use an elegent method, not some magic wand that poofs us into being instantly. IMHO science and religion are binocular perspectives on reality and if they differ, I will tend to trust science first. Of course one can get themselves in a corner trying to see the world in only a "cause and effect" relationship.

    There are too many unexplained phenomena that do not meet the materialistic model.

    My morning ramble!


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