I am glad to hear everything went well for you. It is a rather scary thing to get a call like that when, you know in your head, you did sent him off....It has happend to me a few times...
For the poster, that had a child that dropped out of school and you did not know, that is Despicable!!!!... They should have a different system where you are living....I would have gone off the deep-end over that one..
I have 2 boys in High school. One is grade 9 the other in his final year of grade 12. If they are not in any class of the day, I get a phone call right home and if I dont answer it, they call dirrectly to my cell or my husbands cell saying they are not in class.
The boys call it a "rat line" but, I feel more comfortable knowing that the school is doing there job. Shortly though, my oldest will be 18 and will be able to write his own skip notes for class if he decided not to go or something comes up. I am not too keen on that but, I guess sometimes, we have to trust them and let them spead their wings at some point...
You have a few more years before you have to worry about that one..