Last night I was reminiscing about my teenage years, and this came up.
In the congregation I was raised in there were a number of contractors. I knew that college was out of the question, and I didn't want to run the family busines (though I ended up running it for a time). So I asked a number of these Elder contractors if they were willing to appentice me in their trades. I never heard back,and I knew that a couple of them were needing people for work, so again I asked, and got no reply. SO I asked my dad (P.O. at the congregation) why I was being avoided, and he said that these brothers had come to him and told him that though they thought my attempts were admirable, they felt that since my family ran a food service business, they felt that I should stay there, and leave construction to the brothers that "needed to feed their families."
Now on the surface, this appeared admirable. However, I looked into it deeper, and discovered that these brothers had a nice monoply on work in that community. Afterall, who else are more honest than JW's? So they were afraid that I would learn the trade, and eventually start my own business and compete against them.
Anyone ever run across this also?