
by Khrysanthemum 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Khrysanthemum

    If you could choose just ONE person to free from this religion, who would it be and why?

    I would choose my mom. My dad is also a witness, but I think he just stays in for my moms sake. He would more than willingly follow her "out the door"....

    I might add, this in turn would probably cause my Aunt and sister in law to rethink things as well....

  • GetBusyLiving

    My dad.


  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    My son's and daughter in law . Can't just choose one I want the package deal . If my daughter in law left my son would easily go too . My other son may be a harder case to crack .

  • morty

    It would be my nana...she is the only die-hard left in my family...Just breaks my heart to think that she is waiting for this "new system" so she can be with pop's again....

    When I go, I want her to be at the pearly gates waiting for me with pop's so I can finally say,

    "I told ya so"!.... " I did not have to be a dub to be with ya's"!

  • Honesty

    My ex-wife. My son and step-daughter would bail out with her.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I have no jw relatives, so for me it would be a former close friend of mine in my cong. She has seen and shunned me a couple of times, but looked very uncomfortable doing it. I would love to save her from having to do that to former friends, though she would then get the same treatment herself.

  • beautifulisfree

    If I could pick just ONE then I would say my Brother-in-law!! I know that sounds weird since my sister is still in.

    But, If I picked her then her husband would just be an A$$ and stay in and make life a living nightmare for her. However if I pick him then she would put up a fight ....but probably get out...I think

  • Khrysanthemum
    However if I pick him then she would put up a fight ....but probaby get out

    Weird, I never thought of it THAT way Kellie...you are probably right! Stubborn guy though!

  • garybuss

    Don Adams

  • AuldSoul

    My wife. For the peace it would add to our household. For the freedom it would give her to pursue things she wants very badly to do but for which she has no time. For the freedom it would give me to let the organization and its peculiarities fade into a crazy past to be called back up only when someone wants to know.

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