3.3 million old girl ?
by oldflame 28 Replies latest jw friends
I don't usually patronize AnswersInGenesis.com because they are starting with a conclusion and working backward to evidence. They'd have to make up an explanation wouldn't they... they'd never admit they were wrong.
OK I went to AnswersInGenesis.com, I saw this on one page:
(See our Q&A on fossils to learn about how the Flood created most of the fossil record.)
errr... and then I left. -
putting the evoloutionary status of this skeleton aside, what do you all think about the age put on the skeleton of over 3 million years?
i am the first to admit i'm very ignorant of science and math and i discussed this finding with a friend who works in nuclear science and he made an interesting comment that the mathematics of the atom bomb and the mathematics of carbon dating are the same. if one was flawed the other would be flawed and the bombs would never have worked. (now i dont know how accurate of a statement that is but it did sorta clear up how important the math is )
so.. if you believe mankind has only been on earth for a few thousand years, how do we explain these skeletal remains from millions of years ago?
The Vadoma (or Wadoma) tribe of Zimbabwe, Africa has an extremely high incidence of tribe members born with cleft, ostrich-like feet compared to the incidence in any other population on earth. The Talaunda tribe has the next highest per capita incidence. The Wadoma have been misnamed the "two-toed" tribe, because of the prevalence of the trait. However, the genetic "defect" (arguably, "difference" would be far more appropriate) on the 7th chromosome is not considered a deficiency by the populace. In fact, it is considered an advantage in climbing trees to obtain honey.
The same defect is considered an aberration in the developed world, and that viewpoint ensures that mating (and therefore, reinforcement) is far less likely. Autosomal dominant ectrodactyly is becoming an integral part of the makeup of the tribes in question, reinforced through pairings of individuals who both have the mutated gene.
A real-time example of a mutation among humans that considerably alters physical appearance, but which is considered by the population to be beneficial.
AuldSoul -
AuldSoul....Sickle-cell deformation of red blood cells is another example of an advantageous adaptation within the human species....in this case as a defense against malaria:
Another good example is variation in skin color which reflects adaptations responding to a combination of three factors: Vitamin D production, folic acid preservation, and skin cancer prevention:
It' really funny that Skeptic2 (HI There!) sent the exact same message to me on another thread.
Pictures of skulls, and charts of various species dead or alive does not sell anyone on the belief of evolution. It is still a theory, same as creation.
'what needs to come into play is logic.
And I guess logic is also in question as interpreted by each individual.
So we are left with what each one wants to believe or adhere to.
Still a theory, same as creation? Nice.
Tell me, what is the physical evidence for creation? Evolutionary biologists (hint: that is materially equivalent to saying "all biologists") seem to have come up with an awful lot of physical evidence for their "theory". -
Pictures of skulls, and charts of various species dead or alive does not sell anyone on the belief of evolution. It is still a theory, same as creation.
Have you got pictures of God making Adam and Eve?