I'm not, never have been, a JW, etc.
A couple of months ago, on a MB entirely unconnected with religion a poster told of her concerns that her pre-teen step-daughter had started to study (with her mother) with JWs.
The poster knew nothing of JWs - her concern was because her step-daughter had asked her not to tell her husband (the girl's father) of this and keep it secret. (Apparently the mother had previously had connections with JWs and the father was not happy with this).
I posted on that MB, mentioned some concerns, and later got into e-mail contact with the step-mother. I put together a brief note about some history of the JWs, some concerns I had (mainly gathered from reading JWD) and sent it to her, just to make her aware of what she may be dealing with. I also gave her some links to sites, including JWD. I don't know if she followed them up or not. Later the step-mother got back to me and told me that her step-daughter had decided of her own volition to discontinue the study and have no more to do with the dubs.
Today I had an email from the step-mother on an unrelated matter. But she mentioned in it that she recently had to take her car to a body repair shop for a quote. In her e-mail she included this:
In the reception area was a big table absolutely covered in recent copies of the Watchtower as reading material! Needless to say I have not taken my car there for repair. Don't you think that is strange? I didn't ask but it seems to me that they support this group. I would have thought it was not good for business.
Just goes to show - a little knowledge about JWs goes a long way. This is also relevant to the question about the effect of information about the dubs and the internet, I suppose.