Actually, the WTS has "let's get the inactive going" campaigns in the past.
With the dropoff in 1979, 1982, etc., the WTS got busy with a revive the inactive campaign. Notice the increase in articles in the KM during that period. (1979--13 references)(1982--48 references)(1983-14)(1987-14)(2000-15)(2001-17)(2002-18)
km6/79p.1par.5DoNotGiveUpinDoingWhatIsFine***During the 1978 service year there were 37,487 who laid down the implements, so to speak, in the United States. They became inactive so far as the spiritual building work is concerned and stopped going in field service. Additionally, 27.3 percent or 164,240 of the total publishers were irregular in service.
Can we help our inactive and irregular brothers and sisters today to "have a heart for working" in a similar way? Certainly! Elders, ministerial servants and, yes, "the rest of the people," all of us, can help them to keep in mind this same great and fear-inspiring One. Sometimes all it takes is a word of encouragement, letting them know we love them and miss them. Giving encouragement is everyone’s job. The account says Nehemiah "immediately rose" and did this. Will you do the same? It may save the life of your brother or sister by helping that individual not to give up in doing what is fine.
km6/79p.2MeetingstoHelpUsMakeDisciples***Today as in first century some do not continue sharing in Christian works. They become irregular in service and meeting attendance, or even inactive. Some elders and their families affected. No one is immune. With genuine concern, cite statistics of irregularity and inactivity of local congregation. Reporting may be a problem with some. However, others need loving assistance to actively obey truth.
km7/79p.1par.2WeNeedtoHelpOneAnother!***In addition, some who have been active in the preaching work in past years have become irregular or inactive in the service.
What is needed? We need to HELP ONE ANOTHER! True, we have been giving some assistance. But doubtless you will agree, more definite arrangements can be made not only to provide the type of help needed but also to make sure this is given long enough to really benefit those who need it. Such assistance is so vital that we should not leave it to chance.
In coming months the theme "We Need to Help One Another!" will be stressed on the meetings in various ways. Three particular ways of giving help will be highlighted: (1) By more definite arrangements in the book study groups for experienced publishers to help those who want and need assistance in the disciple-making work. (2) By setting aside the first Sunday of each month for a special effort in the house-to-house work, with encouragement for all in the congregation to participate. (3) By strengthening the shepherding work and improving the quality of teaching in order to build faith and spirituality. Combined with this will be many opportunities for all publishers, brothers and sisters alike, to give encouragement and assistance. All of this is designed to HELP ONE ANOTHER!
km9/79p.1par.4HelpOneAnothertoServeRegularly***There is need, too, for us to helponeanother to be regular in the service, for reports show that last year some 37,000 in the U.S., or about five per congregation on the average, allowed their field service to become first irregular and finally inactive.