I have posted a topic on this before back on March 21,06 .I wrote about how she had made up her own disasociation cards for us and had sent us some disturbing letters. WELL now we have a new letter from her ,it was addressed to our 11 month old son, care of his father. in the envelope she has actually taken the time to photo copy the Exodus account of the of the first born sons of all Egyptions being killed by Gods angel. AND she took the time to laminate the five pages and make holes and turn it into a little book for him.and on the very back of the book is a photo copied image of the cat in the hat reading to a little cat in the hat from a Dr.Suess book. she also included in the book a picture from the My Book of Bible Stories of the Egyptian mother holding her dead son in her arms while the father sits and hangs his head down in sorrow and regret. She asks my husband if he can please read this story to our son. So what the heck do I do now??? MY sons birthday is in a week ,I said we should send her a birthday invitation.,my husband said "no dont stir the pot" I'm sorry but I think that pot has been stirred for some time now ,and not by me. I think that from now on when something from her comes in the mail I should just put RETURN TO SENDER on the item and send it back unopened. My friend suggested that instead I should place the item in another envelope and send it back to her parents whom she still lives with at the age of 32. (YIKES). I dont believe that they know she is doing these things and maybe they would say something to her , I don't know. Another suggestion I recieved was to send all of these items, because I have saved them all and have photo copies of them, but instead send them all to the Elders of her congregation asking them to please speak with her. I don't think the Elders would be very happy that a sister of their congregation is making up her own Disasociation cards and sending them out . Apparently my husband does not want to confront her on this and put a stop to it. She has basically dismissed me as a waste of time and is only interested in saving my husband and child. Thats just great, now I am going to have another baby this coming April what will she send that one to read? I might just have to take these items to the local police station if know one stops this and get an order of protection to stop this harrasment. Any suggestions ??
HELP ,need advice about wacko sis-in-law
by annalice 12 Replies latest jw friends
Yes, do all of that. Well, you can't really do the rest if you mark them all return to sender. But other than that, do all the rest!
Don't send the original back to her or to her parents. Make photocopies. Take the original to a lawyer and the local police, and have a restraining order drawn up that requires her to leave you and your family alone - no phone calls, no letters, no visits, no contact PERIOD. Do not respond to her at all. Let the law take care of the wackos. If you hear from her again, in any form, have her charged with violation of the restraining order.
I agree with sending it to the elders. If she is a die hard and will listen to the Elders who will no doubt rebuke her for bypassing God's order of things, then go for it. The Elders may be the only people she will listen to.
If you wanted to do something funny, you could always send her a letter.
Dear Sis-In-Law:
Thank you so much for sending the book for (Son's) Birthday. It was sweet of you to remember it and send something.
Then you can go get a toy from the $1 store and give it to him from his aunt instead of the book.
I'd definitely send them to her elders. They will have to counsel her, and if the harassment continues, get the police involved. You obviously can't let this keep happening. She wants to save your husband and son? It sounds more like she's the one who needs saving - from herself.
Send her an invitation to your Satanic Black Mass Party next weekend.
she has actually taken the time to photo copy the Exodus account of the of the first born sons of all Egyptions being killed by Gods angel.
she also included in the book a picture from the My Book of Bible Stories of the Egyptian mother holding her dead son in her arms while the father sits and hangs his head down in sorrow and regret. She asks my husband if he can please read this story to our son.
I'd take this to the police. JW or no JW, I don't think they'd take something like this lightly. Get a restraining order, and keep her away from your family.
Wow--that's really disturbing. It's hard when family members stress us out. I wish you the best in how you decide to handle the situation.
The less contact with her the better. Whackos get off on persecution. Elders don't take complaints from "worldly" people very seriously.
In a way, your husband is right. Why throw napalm on the fire? But you do need to stop her. Try and get your husband on board for a restraining order.