by troubled 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • troubled

    I know I said I'm leaving this forum, but I had to say just one more thing about why. Please read my post to the thread about personal attacks. (If you have time and/or interest).


  • Amazing

    Hi Troubled: Would you provide the actual name of that post? I 'Searched' for 'personal attacks' in the last 90 days, and nothing showed up with your posting to it. So I am sure that the post you speak of must have a different name. Thanks. Amazing

  • Winston


    With re:


    When has anyone tried to stop you?
    Say what really on you heart that's what this forum for.

    How long have you LIVED and how long has God LIVED?
    1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 to .000000000000000000000000000000001
    Who is like God?
  • roybatty

    Sorry to hear that you're leaving. I found your posts interesting. Just remember that this is just a message board, nothing more. These people don't even know you or me so please do not take whatever someone says personal.

  • NameWithheld

    I understand where you are coming from. But don't let the anger that many of us feel (and I feel much of that anger is justified) color your opinions about 'all' ex-JWs.

    Just like most JWs are trying to get other 'in' because that what the JW thinks is the best thing for a person, many ex-JWs are trying to get others 'out' because they think that is the best thing for that person. The difference? a) ex-JWs are not forced/coerced/guilted into doing this. They do it because they want to. b) ex-JWs are not serving a man/men's goals/ambitions, we don't turn in time, etc. and c) we don't require/ask that JWs 'join' anything, give money/time/whatever. We just try and present a different side of the religious story that the JW has been force feed for years.

    As far as are ex-JWs happy, I think you will find that some are some are not, just like in the JWs, there are happy ones and depressed ones. I know for myself I have never felt better about myself, my family life, my wife and I are closer and stronger people now. But most people don't get onto boards and talk about how happy we are, we tend to focus on whatever problems we are facing. So that's one reason the overall 'tone' might make it seem many are just angry/bitter/etc - they may be angry about the things they suffered in the WTBTC, but that doesn't mean their entire lives are soured and ruined. It's a typical WTBTC teaching to make JWs feel like 'there is nothing outside the org' and 'all those who leave are sad, depressed, etc'. That's simply not true. I associate w/ more well-adjusted people now 'outside' the org than I EVER did inside. Yes, they all have their individual problems to face in life, but that's all part of what makes up being a human being.

    Hope this helps, good luck in your journey of self-discovery. It's an interesting ride!

  • Bridgette

    I could not find the post you alluded to either. I would be most interested in reading it.
    I have to agree with NameWitheld (sounds like some tribal name :) You find a lot of vitriole spewed out on the boards, because this is where we are finally safe to do so. We could never even question the org, or those higher up, when in the org, and the friends we've gone onto now, just can't quite understand unless they've been through similar things. Please remember what you've see here, is just a smidgeon of what are usually very full and satisfying lives since we left. I am a mother, just got remarried to a wonderful man, we LOVE to travel, I'm going to school, have a (fairly :) rewarding and well paying job. I paint, I've write short fiction. I've had my art and one short story published. There's too much more to even ennumerate--suffice to say, I'M ALIVE! I could not live and breath in the organization. There are those that feel fine where they are in the organization. I hope you are one of these. That the path you're on is one that is allowing you to unfold all of your potential. I can only guess, since I cannot read your previous post that someone's hostility towards the ORG upset you. I am sorry for this. It's too bad we're losing your balanced perspective. Because yes, some can get emotional.
    Love and Peace,

  • troubled


    Whoops! Sorry I didn't give the title of the thread where my post is. It's in the thread titled "Enough of the Language and Attacks."

  • spider

    The thread referred to is

    Please come visit again soon troubled. Would you agree that as a JW you have to carefully moniter the questions you ask and the opinions you make. Is this a good thing?
    On this board people enjoy the freedom they lacked in the organization. Maybe some enjoy it so much that they at times go too far with the things they might say.People have to take personal responsibility and have personal ownership of themselves and their behaviour.
    Rather this though than having to keep everything inside.
    It is only with coming into contact with others that are different - opinions that are different that we grow.This board can be a scary place and a depressing place too at times but with that outcry and with that debate we can come to see things differently.
    Ther are pros and cons to every situation but I would rather be able to say what I think than be in the kind of mental prison I was in when a jdub.
    Hope you change your mind for you will be missed.
    Allthe best

  • SixofNine

    Actually Troubled, Dr. Six is a little worried about your lack of anger, given the gravity of what you have learned.

  • dungbeetle

    I guess she means this one.


    Nothing like a good old-fashioned guilt trip to make us feel like we are running somebody off. How cult-minded of such a person. When facts and figures, names dates and places are in short supply, there's always good old fashioned name-calling.

    Happy? what the h--l does happiness have to do with anything? Was Jesus HAPPY when he threw the money changers out of the temple?

    And I don't know about happiness, but my children won't be raped by elders and then disfellowshipped for it. My daughter won't be raped. refuse to scream, and then be disfellowshipped for it. My children won't accept a medically necessary blood transfusion, and be disfellowshipped for it (oh wait it's DA now). And none of my family will have to go calling on people at their homes side by side with a convicted child molester who hasn't even finished their criminal case yet. My son isn't going to go to prison because he isn't able to do alternative service. And we can all have oral sex with our spouses adn not ge disfellowshipped.

    Happiness? I don't sit in KH and listen to "99.9% or more of the world is gonna die die die and be affected by it, since it's cult-induced drivel. I could go on and on and on.

    As far as not finding any support here, I can sit here right now and count 10 Jehovah's Witnesses in good standing in their congreagations who post here and most of them occasionally go into chat. If a Jehovah's Witness can't come here to this board and connect with other Jehovah's Witnesses, then the fault ain't with this board or anyone on it.

    If someone comes to this board, and does not feel shock and pain over things like molestation, rape, exploitation, lying, shunning and a higher body count than the People's you aren't going to find 'comfort and support' here.


    God is Not going to kill Seigfreid and Roy... up the crap.

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