Question for the Board

by chappy 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • outoftheorg

    Thanks to Shooting Star for the UN / WBTS open letter to the world.

    I copied it off and unlike my previous attempts I got a really good acceptable copy.

    I plan to print out about 25 and mail them to the jw's that I can find an address for.

    Especially the elders. I don't think this has ever been done in the southern Idaho area.

    Lets see what the responses are. Then I will mail some more.


  • garybuss
  • purplesofa

    The Guardian newspaper was brutal!!!

    Thanks for posting Gary


  • Kenneson


    The Watchtower Society applied for association to DPI in 1991. They were accepted in 1992. The document closest to that period that we have right now is the following 1992 U.N. Press Release. It states:

    "The NGOS officially recognized by DPI cooperate with the United Nations to help build public understanding and support for United Nations programmes and goals...

    "To be granted association with DPI, NGOS must have national or international standing, support the Charter of the United Nations, have a broadly based membership and possess the resources necessary for effective outreach..."

    Plus, the Watchtower representative had to attend a 2-day orientation. So, for the Society to say that they just registered with DPI to use the library and that they didn't agree to anything ( as Thirdwitness insisted) and somehow the language used in 2001 was drastically different from 1991 is poppycock.

    Moreover, why doesn't the Watchtower come out and reveal to us exactly what document they originally were presented with which they say did not conflict with their beliefs. If they could compare it to the 2001 document, it's in their possession. If they can clear up this mess which they created, why don't they?

  • Honesty

    Only two elders in my old congregation know about it.

    They both were shocked until the CO told them that it was only so the WTBTS could spy on the UN and we will get some NEW LIGHT soon about the UN..

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