Forgive me, but I'm somewhat amazed that, after coming here and surely reading what the JWs have done to the majority, you aren't doing your utmost to get your boyfriend away from the JWs! believe me, there's nothing worse than a newly converted JW and I should think your marriage could be in real jeopardy if you go ahead with it - because he'll be expected to put Jehovah first!
he is to be baptised next month. The thought of my life without him is unbearable and the month we were not in contact was hell.
Being in love can be a real bind at times because we let our fluttering hearts override common sense! If possible you need to take a step back, take a deep breath and tell your lover that you can't ever become a JW, that you know too much about them and that he, too, should thoroughly research the organisation before undergoing baptism. Ask him what's more important, your future lives together or his becoming a JW?
Anyway I have agreed to try to look into the witnesses with a positive view
Are you kidding us here? What's so damn positive about an organisation that wrecks families, lies about 607BCE, 1914 and 1975, is responsible for children dying due to their murderous doctrine on not taking blood and then hypocritically allowing fractions, flip-flopping over the likes of the 1914 generation and being involved with the UN for a decade?!
You don't want advice, you want us here to give you absolution! Sorry, but you won't get it!
Get your boyfriend to read Crisis of Conscience by Ray Franz. Direct him to Randy Watter's site and read all the autobiographies on it. Get him to read the painful stories posted here, many in the archives.
You know the old adage Marry in haste, repent at leisure. Well, you're going in that direction.