So Who is the Biggest Watchtower Villain?

by slimboyfat 78 Replies latest jw friends

  • freetosee

    In COC it is mentioned that the gb chairman's com. come up with 1984 to replace 1914. NKnorr was among those ready to replace Russells date. Knorr knew about the true power position within the wtbts before 1975/6 and fought against the wt claims presented for many decades to the r&f.


  • VM44

    Who did run into Fred Franz and knocked him down as a kid?

    Now I am curious who that was, and I can't find the thread.


  • stillajwexelder

    Rutherford and Franz are the most evil - Rutherford would be public enemy number 1

  • garybuss

    Who is the Biggest Watchtower Villain? Don Adams without a doubt.

  • done4good
    He did not stick up for Jonnson when he had the chance

    That MAY be true. But nevertheless, a bit misleading. Ray Franz actually HELPED Jonnson publish "The Gentile Times Reconsidered", by assisting him with English, grammar, and other things to make the work more "marketable".


  • done4good

    As far as villians go, well, it's pretty much a matter of the blind leading the blind here, so by default I have to go with Russell.


  • jgnat

    The faceless bureaucrat. To preserve his own hide, he perpetuates the system. After all, what can one man do?

  • restrangled

    I hold them all accountable. My grandmother came in the late 20's or early 30'. She had 6 out of 7 children fully indoctrinated.Some served time in prison, some went to Bethel, one was of the annointed. Most became elders. Some sold their homes before '75 leaving homes and jobs to wait for the "End". The youngest of fthe family, the last 2 siblings probably exacerbated the damage with their children, which by the way are not in and most are agnostic. ( Not her children, but the grandchildren.}

    But it does not end here, the great grandchildren, are subjected to mental abuse and guilt despite the fact the parents have long since rejected this religion.

    What a legacy of crapola.

    Does this make any sense? My kids are 4th generation still paying for all this shit even though myself a grandchild rejected it long ago.


  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Judge Rutherford would be considered the "November Criminal"
    in my book.


    The Wanderer

  • jaguarbass

    The blind leading the blind. You have to stop being a sheep and become a goat.

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