I pulled a few muscles in my back last week and couldn't make it to church on Sunday. A deacon friend called and offered to usher and pass the (GASP) offering plate for me. Another friend called and prayed with me. Another friend called and asked if I needed anything at all. Another friend called and told me he and his family love me. The last time I missed due to illness at least 100 people or more, including teenagers came up and gave me a big hug.
I didn't start attending church for this. I started attending because I felt God's Spirit drawing me to worship.
But this is really nice and is just one more reason of the many I know the Jehovah's Witnesses do not have God in their lives or hearts.
If I had seen anything like this in any of the JW congregations I attended Satan would not have been able to pull me away from Jehovah's organization and lured me into 'Apostate Christendom.'