Another Nail in the Coffin of Lies

by Amazing 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    The use of 1914 as the start of the Last Generation and Jesus 2nd Presence prophecy has been the biggest lie ever told by the Watchtower Society. They have perpetrated these false prophecies with malice of forethought, with the deliberate intent of misleading people. If anyone has doubts, or wonders if maybe, just maybe the Society might have been right about the Last Generation prophecy, one only has to read the newspapers everyday to see continuing evdience of the Lie:

    (Sep 26, 2006) -- WILLIAM RODGERS 1912 - 2006 Passed away, at The Westmount, on September 22, 2006, in his 95th year. Bill was a member of the Westmount congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses for over 60 years. Bill was the last surviving member of his family. A memorial service will be held at Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, 355 Gage Ave., Kitchener on Saturday, September 30, 2006 at 1:30 p.m.

    As the days, weeks, months and year pass by, every person from the generation of 1914 is dying off. With each death, it is like putting one more nail in the coffin of Watchtower false prophecy.

    Jim Whitney

  • MidwichCuckoo

    Oh - I thought they'd covered themselves against this happening by the Generation Change in 1995.

  • Gill

    Amazing - Too true! Too bad the die hard dubs don't see it though! Or don't want to see it.

    My husband's grandmother wept over the Generation change in 1995. They had lied to her and told her she would never die. She died at 91! She died astounded! She was never meant to die! But she did!

    Their lies are not harmless but devastating. They give a false horizon that people cling to. One day those horizons a whisked away with the turn of a Watchtower page and people are broken up by them.

    The Watchtower WILL die out, but it will take longer than we would all like. I for one, would like to see them pay for their lies!

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    I really don't think that most JWs realize what happened in 95.

    When the generation change came the JWs lost their end of the world time table. If God isn't working in such a way, then they should not be proclaiming any kind of end at all that is 'very soon', 'right around the corner', 'fast approaching', 'near', and so forth. Anything they state from 95 onward is all speculation.

    Ask a JW who is talking about the end of the world "So we are close, how close are we then?". Keep pushing the issues. Eventually they will come to the point where just on the basis of world events they will be thinking that the world is coming to an end very quickly. No time table, no more 'secret knowledge' other than that the last days started in 1914 (whatever that really means).

  • Amazing


    The 1995 change only shifted the lie once again. The original lie was that Jesus 2nd Presence took place in 1874, and that the upper time limit for Armageddon was 1914. Then in 1914, they changed it to 1915. Then, in 1930, the Society changed it all again so that Jesus 2nd Presence took place in 1914 instead of 1874, and that 1914 started the Last Generation. Changing the date or the meaning of the date does not change the lie. The 1918 trial of Judge Rutherford and Company proved that they Society deliberately manipulated their publications and dating to increase book sales. This was admitted to on the witness stand. I covered that triel in depth in a previous thread. The 1995 change is only another reminder of a lie told by the Society with malice of forethought.

    Jim Whitney

  • Satanus

    Many people are seeing the delusion and leaving. However, dropping the generation doctrine is not much different than what the wt leaders have done in the past. Actually, from it's beginning until now, the wt has been making false predictions and gotten away w it. Better educated, better balanced people is what is needed to resist the wt blight.


  • AuldSoul


    They did. But that doesn't change the thousands upon THOUSANDS who were lured into the organization in part by that false prophecy. For a prophecy to be false there does not have to be an intent to mislead others on the part of the prophet. The prophecy has to go unfulfilled.

    Originally, the generation was generally regarded as the 40-or-so year cycle of mankind's generations, but within the generation of those who understood the significance of 1914 when they saw it (reckoned to be 20-year-olds or older).

    Then it became 70 or 80 years, with the same seeing with understanding requisite (allowing for as much as 50 or 60 years after 1914, i.e. 1964 to 1974), while still cautioning that the timing of events within that generation was not specified, so none could afford to let down their guard.

    Around the late 50s, it changed somewhat so that the age for understanding was reckoned to be about 10 years of age, but the remainder stayed constant. That allowed for it to come anytime up until 1974 to 1984.

    Then, the age requirement was eliminated altogether. There was only a need to be alive in 1914, born in that year was good enough.

    Now, even that is gone from the doctrine. But it is clear that this doctrine figured heavily in their ability to scare people into joining their cult, and everyone who responded in part to the former teaching on the generation heeded false prophecy. The reality was not as stated during their indoctrination. Everyone who placed a single Awake magazine prior to the doctrine change promoted false prophecy. They served as a mouthpiece for an organization that actively spread lies and called the lies "God's truth."

    I was such a person. I am no longer willing to promote lies or even condone the promotion of lies in the name of God.


  • Stealth453

    Does this mean that they lied to us about that whole 1914 thing? Ah man...say it isn't so.

    The Watchliar Sociopath Society for sure.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    Amazing - well I SORT of agree. But the problem is that EVERY time the Society 'moves the goalposts', the R&F just go along with it anyway. As you said - they Prophesied a LIE and preached it.

    Last Spring, I had a visit from a JW (1st one in years), and I chatted with him about the Generation of 1914 (at this time I wasn't aware of the 1995 change), and he said, ''it depends what YOU mean by a Generation''. And when I mentioned the Generation of 1914 not passing away (which was last I'd heard), he laughed at me and said that was not the case. Well, I was confused as he was making out it was something alien to the Society.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    Auld Soul - I remember being taught that This Generation would be those who have seen the events in 1914, so not babies.

    I am very confused over the latest interpretation - maybe I can just skip this one and wait for the next, lol.

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