Single parent, kindergarten woes. Help!

by daystar 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • daystar

    I appreciate all the suggestions! I just got off the phone with his teacher and she is totally okay with me working with him at home. In fact, she says she has already noticed an improvement!

    God, why am I stressing over this so much? I just need to work with him a bit more at home is all.

    Now, I guess I also recognize something else now. I need some sort of a support team specifically for children and school in this area. I simply don't have the time for PTA, but there has got to be something else around here...

    Thank you, all of you.

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis


    you might wish to contact the head of the pta anyhow and explain that it's very difficult to make the meetings. However you still could use some parent to parent support. They might be able to link you up with a few other parents via phone/email. Hey, maybe one of you could start a yahoo group or something.

  • serendipity

    Related to the idea of tutoring:

    Private tutors are a luxury many American families cannot afford, costing anywhere between $25 to $100 an hour. But California mother Denise Robison found one online for $2.50 an hour -- in India.But California mother Denise Robison found one online for $2.50 an hour -- in India.

    Her 13-year-old daughter, Taylor, is one of 1,100 Americans enrolled in Bangalore-based TutorVista, which launched U.S. services last November with a staff of 150 "e-tutors" mostly in India with a fee of $100 a month for unlimited hours.

  • M.J.

    I can only speak about what has worked in my son's case. We take my son to an after school program called Kumon two days per week, a program that concentrates on reading and math, starting about 6 mo. before he started kindergarten. My son is probably the most advanced in his kindergarten class as a result. I suppose that different programs may fit different learning styles, but this one has worked wonders for my son. Although he goes two days a week (for about a 1/2 hour), he has small homework assignments every day. Perhaps something can be worked out where you can just go once per week (usually before 6 PM), or another arrangement.

    Here's the website:

    Yup, just checked and there are plenty of centers in Plano, TX.

  • cruzanheart

    Hey, you're in Plano now! Hi, neighbor! We used to get our kids PC programs called "Jump Start [the grade]" and they really enjoyed them. We'd get the next grade up and through game-playing they really learned a lot. I'll bet your child will enjoy that too. Target sells them.

    And grumble though you may, the Plano school district is one of the BEST public school districts in the Dallas area. Vote for Kinky and maybe we'll be able to ditch all the stupid testing, but that's statewide, not just Plano. Plano, however, takes itself very seriously and wants to stay on top, so that's why they place such an emphasis on the testing.

    They're not perfect, though -- two of Jennie's middle school social studies teachers (6th grade, last year) spent half an hour poring over maps trying to find the country of Yugoslavia. Needless to say, since it DOESN'T EXIST ANYMORE, they didn't find it but were mightily puzzled.

    PM me and let me know which school you're dealing with!



  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Having volunteered recently in a kindergarten class for a few months, I would suggest the following:

    Most classes have a workbook that pages are pulled out throughout the year for 'homework' weekly. Ask the teacher if you could take home the workbook for a weekend so that you could go through it to get a sense of what is down the road, that way you'll be ahead of the game.

    The homework is usually given on Monday and is due on Friday. Realistically, it can all be done within 20 minutes sitting at the table. Break it down in two nights (or do it all at once) and get it all done Mon/Tues or Wed. evening to be able to take it back Thursday. That way there's no's really easy.

    Ask the teacher what is expected of the student by the end of the year. Here in California the kids were expected to be able to count to one hundred and identify the numbers 1 - 100, know the alphabet and each letter's sound, recognize and identify shapes - square, circle, triangle, rectangle, etc., simple adding and subtracting, identifying colors, and the biggy (drumroll please.....) TYING their shoes. It might sound like a lot (sounds like first and second grade when I went to school), but it really isn't since this is the beginning of the year. If needed, a child can catch up fairly easy at this time of year. Just work with him each day.... when you're in the car, start a counting game. On the fridge, put the shapes with colors and constantly quiz them (make it fun). Take pennies, or use your fingers and start with each hand doing simple adding, then later subtracting..... "if I have two fingers on this hand, and I have one finger on this hand, how many fingers do I have all together?".... then let them count, etc.

    Working each day with one or two categories of learning will bring them up to speed and take them beyond what is expected.

    Piece of cake when broken down daily....don't sweat it.... it can be a fun time for the two of you.

  • carla

    There are many fun games you can play with your child that will be both fun and educational. Personally, I wanted my kids to read before public schools got their hands on them! My kids were reading at 4. There are tons of books that help with beginer readers as well. I made up a fun game for my kids and many parents have used it as well. PM me if you want, it won't cost you a dime to make this game. I would skip the tutor, your the best tutor for him. Read to him daily too.

    As for the testing? Better get used to it, test,test and test some more in public schools.

  • daystar

    Well, here's what I've decided to do:

    We're going to work for 20-30 minutes, three days a week. I'm starting first with his being able to write and identify his numbers through fifty. Now, he can actually easily count to 100 no sweat. The rest is a bit of a challenge, but he's already improved quite a bit. I started with advancing him a step of ten beyond what he already knows well and we'll step that way up to 50. And I'm mixing it up to make it more interesting for us both. I've got some ideas.

    That's just the first part. He knows basic addition/subtraction, geometry, etc. But we'll work on those next to flesh things out.

    As far as his reading goes, it's odd. Based upon the work he brings home, he seems to be following right along with the class. We've been reading together just about every night since he was an infant. I'm actually still confused as to how the teacher even thinks he needs tutoring. But we'll work on it with more focus now and I'm sure things will be fine.

    I've checked the Texas site for the TEKS and I've got a fair idea of the expectations now. There is another evaluation in November, which I expect will show good progress and then the actual TEKS, I believe, in January.

    Thanks for all your suggestions so far!

  • daystar


    We used to get our kids PC programs called "Jump Start [the grade]" and they really enjoyed them.

    Oh yeah! He has had those for some time now. I started him on Jump Start preschool before he was in preschool and he's been working with Jump Start Kindergaten for a while now.

    I have no doubt about the quality of PISD. I just don't see how the teacher is recommending tutoring when he seems to me to be right along with the class based upon the work he's bring home. I suppose it can't hurt to get him ahead though. He's certainly bright enough.

  • M.J.
    He knows basic addition/subtraction, geometry, etc.

    crap! And someone's worried about his progress? He sounds like he's doing just great! I think the teacher is getting a little to jumpy on you and making you sweat things too much. Just spend a little learning time with him a bit every day and he'll be just fine!

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