I just attended my JW grandmother's funeral this past weekend.
It seemed like the presiding overseer who gave this talk barely even knew my grandma. He read almost verbatim from that little handout the funeral home prints that tells you about the deceased. His only other personal reference to her was about a comment she gave at the Watchtower study one Sunday.
The funeral was actually a 30-minute infomercial on behalf of the Watchtower Society. How much better if they would have talked about grandma's life, activities, and what was worth remembering about her (besides her "beliefs").
My JW dad was thrilled by this discourse, because he believes the end of the world is near and he'll see his mom soon. (He's been exploited for over 5 decades by false "Bible-based" hopes fomented by the Watchtower".) My non-JW relatives were bored or annoyed.