correspondence with a jw

by fullofdoubtnow 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Trev and a couple of his ex jw mates are building an information website for local ex jws. It's slow progress, but they are getting there, and have had some positive feedback for what is on there already. However, he received this email from a jw earlier tonight:

    I have just been reading some items from your website, and you are
    doubt one of the most bitter ex Jehovahs Witnesses I have ever come
    Just because you are unable to match up to Jehovahs righteous standards
    doesn't mean you have to try to undermine the faith of those who can.
    "information" on child abuse within our Organisation was a total lie.
    rare cases we have are handled effectively by the Elders, and children
    feel safer with us than most places. If you must attack us, so be it,
    but at
    least tell the truth.

    He seems to be pretty well brainwashed into believeing that all is well in jw land. Trev asked him if he's seen any of the documentaries on child abuse in the jws, and referred him to the silent lambs website. He hasn't replied yet.

  • candidlynuts

    thing is.. if it were RARE that abuse occured, silent lambs website wouldnt have lasted a month online.

    its not happens in most if not all congregations to some extent or another.

    it just amazes me how active jw's think its rare. i knew it wasnt rare when i believed everything i was told about the org.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    JWs have a hard time seeing that there are problems with their child abuse policies because they still look to the WTS as their 'mother' organization.

    What I found very effective was a webpage like the quotes site, which only used JW publications and showed how they could be really unreliable. Because JWs arn't affraid of their own publications, this method seems to work fairly well in helping them to start questioning the WTS. Negative info about Child abuse can just appear to be a negative smear campaign and turn people off.

  • juni

    Linda said:

    He seems to be pretty well brainwashed into believeing that all is well in jw land. Trev asked him if he's seen any of the documentaries on child abuse in the jws, and referred him to the silent lambs website. He hasn't replied yet.

    This is a JW who is marching to the Watchtower drum. He doesn't want to see/hear anything bad even if it came out and smacked him upside the head! Too bad. If you have your head buried in the sand you will get hurt or someone else will. That's stupidity to ignore the facts.


  • fullofdoubtnow

    We laughed a bit when we read his message, and he hasn't responded to Trevs reply yet. I remember when the BBC Panorama documentary came out around 4 years ago, we were all warned that the programme contained a lot of lies aimed at discrediting the wts, and I believed it, despite never seeing the programme. It was only when I watched the videos of programmes from around the world on silentlambs that I realised it was standard wts propaganda to say these programmes were lies that I saw through the cover up that the wts was involved in regarding child abuse.

    I doubt that any committed jw is really capable of seeing through the dogma about child abuse until they have their eyes opened to what the org is really like, so people like this guy aren't that rare. They all think like him, because the org tell them to.

  • Zico

    It's really sad that when those who have been abused speak out, they will be called liars by the JW's. As if they haven't had enough to deal with...

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Drew said

    What I found very effective was a webpage like the quotes site, which only used JW publications and showed how they could be really unreliable. Because JWs arn't affraid of their own publications, this method seems to work fairly well in helping them to start questioning the WTS

    That's one of the sites, in fact the main one, that helped me to see through the wts. Trev used the information on there quite expertly, he was kind of un - brainwashing me with it. He just logged on to it, suggested a few topics I might like to examine, and left me to it. I agree that it is one of the most effective ways to get a jw to see through the org, if we can get them to look at it.

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    rare cases we have are handled effectively by the Elders, and children
    feel safer with us than most places.

    WHATEVER!!!!!! They just stick their head in the sand, don't they!! YUCK!!!


    Lady Liberty

  • blondie
    it just amazes me how active jw's think its rare.

    First, all I knew were my family's cases and we were told not to tell others...I did though.

    Second, the reason people are df'd is hidden, and especially an embarrassing situation for the WTS such as child abuse.

    One reason I left the WTS was because I found that handling of child abuse cases by the WTS changed very little over a 30 year period. Silentlambs confirmed my suspicions. As my husband "advanced" in the WTS hierarchy, more and more info came our way and how the elders really handled it and what the WTS really said to the elders at elder school.

    I am not surprised that only the families directly involved know about their own case and think they are the only ones.


  • JWdaughter

    There is likely no more abuse within the WT congregations than any other church. HOWEVER, most churches do not engage in the abuse of the victim, the cover-ups and further shaming of families that fight back-such as disfellowshipping victims and their family. I felt very safe as a JW child until I was abused by a NON JW and then subsequently given the 3d degree about my sex life (13-14) and how I 'asked' for it and if I 'fought back'. Jesus Christ-a whole other level of abuse. 30-50 year old men speaking to a young girl, alone in a room about her sexual feelings? Experience? Consent? I blame the organization for such a twisted way of dealing with people, and one of the elders I remember looked ashamed to even be there. The other two-whom I had previously adored, seemed to get a kick out of their assignment. Which was to determine if my rape by a stranger in woods, reported properly(!) was consensual. RIGHT. Gag me. I would NEVER let such a thing happen to my child. I doubt my mom really had a clue what would happen, Amazing how much I accepted it as my due at the time. I am sorry, I don't normally swear, but i am suddenly finding myself having to go back and edit much of this to make it decent for all your gentle eyes. I am suddenly furious-and as much as I read of the silent lambs, this particular thread just got my goat. Insert really nasty swear words wherever you think appropriate.

    I hate the WT organization. I don't care to argue theology with anyone, but current and recent practice-I am happy give back what they gave me. It isn't pretty. And there are more expletives that didn't make it. . .I am suddenly shaking with mad. Just plain mad!

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