I always hated the fact that the JWs claim they don't take on titles for status and then do just that. Pioneer,Special Pioneer, Auxillary Pioneer, Elder, MS,CO, DO, PO etc. Did this bother you?
Did The "Titles" In The Hall Bother You?
by choosing life 18 Replies latest jw friends
Yes...Most of them were on a power trip with any title....
troubled mind
I always hated it when a young pioneer sister would say to me at meetings for field service " Oh it is so good to have YOU publishers support Us pioneers in the Ministry " (Gag reflex has gotten strong over the years ) Especially since she is in her twenties , and I've been a lowly publisher since 1971 !
Blinded to it at 1st but it did eventually bother me.
Especially when all the `good` pioneers (another title), were the ones with half a dozen bible studies, but these were always the most detestable, sanctimonious, double speak, backstabbing, self-righteous, shit filled, up their own ass hole, self-seeking, beligerent, $hit heads, you will ever come across in the entire human race.
The titles in themselves didn't bother me. I don't have a problem with a person being given a title that describes his job. What bothered me was when small men had the idea these titles made them "special" in some way, and gave them the right to butt into my personal business. Of course, it was always fun to cut them back down to size.
but these were always the most detestable, sanctimonious, double speak, backstabbing, self-righteous, shit filled, up their own ass hole, self-seeking, beligerent, $hit heads, you will ever come across in the entire human race.
Tell us how you really feel Jambon.....
I hear ya.....
It didn't bother me until I gave up pioneering. I'd been a jw 7 years then, 6 of them as a pioneer, and I never saw it as a title but, as I found out when I quit, others did. It was like a badge of honour for some people, as were all the other titles.
FF:What bothered me was when small men had the idea these titles made them "special" in some way,
What bothered me was when small men had the idea these titles made them "smarter" in some way
In a recent WT study, the sisters used as examples in the paragraphs always wound up being married
to a spiritual elder in the congregation. Why did their husbands have to be elders? Even those who
believe in the WTS, you know there are many valid reasons not to be an elder, but to still be a great
catch for a sister. For that matter, why couldn't the wonderful example of a sister be happy just doing
what is right and NOT MARRY ANY BROTHER? Why does she need the title "Married Sister"?
I always hated it when a young pioneer sister would say to me at meetings for field service " Oh it is so good to have YOU publishers support Us pioneers in the Ministry " (Gag reflex has gotten strong over the years )
No kidding eh? A friend of mine who's an elder in Vancouver called me a few months ago (he doesn't know that I stopped going) and told me that a couple we knew years ago are now Missionaries somewhere in Africa and are pious, pompous, superfine christians now. On their last visit back, they were having their one day ASSemby and Dave (my friend) had the job of fixing the microphones on the platform for all the speakers. Afterwards, Beatrice (the missionary) condescendingly tells him "it's nice to see you on the platform Dave". I was surprised when he told me he felt like telling her to piss off. LOL!
but these were always the most detestable, sanctimonious, double speak, backstabbing, self-righteous, shit filled, up their own ass hole, self-seeking, beligerent, $hit heads, you will ever come across in the entire human race.
Maybe, but let's not forget that they're fulfilling the requirements for everlasting life: exceeding 10 hours of
coffee breaksknocking on doors each and every month.