After 8 yrs not being a JW (not dfd just left)... my b.i.l has decided for the good of HIS family that they are NOT to associate with me! My sis was like my best friend, and now .... after they had marital difficulties (which he knows only the half of, cos she has kept her mouth shut) he has now become a mini man!! He has told my sis and my beautiful nieces and nephews that they cannot associate or speak to me at all. I have 3 other bro and sis's - my bro is dfd (so they wont talk to him either) and one of my sisters too. Our youngest sis is living with partner but never baptised.... so they can associate with her!!! (in his words.... she can still be saved!) If I go back to the meetings and confess ALL and then marry my partner then he will reconsider!!!! ffs! This is all from the man who drove over to my house 8 months ago drunk as a skunk wondering where my sis was (well she was out having fun)... and now denies he even touches the evil stuff! Who, doesnt work and draws benefits so he and my sis can be at home with the kids and door knock all day long... more like so he can watch my sis doesnt get interested in another guy cos she's so unhappy! When I rang her (for the last time) I asked her why she was "going along with this" she said for the kids... he will kick her out if she doesn't go along with him, without the kids and that will be that!
It is not like I would EVER try to tell them how to live their lives... I don't agree or believe at all, but I wouldn't be so disrespectful to push that on them (or the kids).
More likely they are worried that if they dare let the children even talk to a non believer, they might turn out bad!! Btw, they asked my mum (who they are allowed to talk to as she is just fallen away) if she is gonna die at armageddon.... yeah with me! Nice one.
I had to explain this to my partner - who cannot believe the reasoning behind all this. He then went on to ask why so and so a friend is "allowed" to talk to me then? I have a few good friends who are witnesses and yes, they call and see me regularly.... how come they see it one way and he sees it another!! He said he is protecting his family.
Had to vent ...... no one understands really do they! God, I can't believe I might of treated people like this!!
Think my sis loves the association and just pops to the hall to see her mates.... she is in denial!