This is one of those "both sides of their mouths" topics.
One the one hand:
*** w99 7/15 p. 18 Anchored by Hope, Impelled by Love ***
Some who have stopped associating with the Christian congregation still believe that it practices the true religion. However, they evidently lack the patience and endurance required to wait for the new world that Jehovah God has promised. Life in Paradise has not come soon enough for them.
A few dedicated Christians in some parts of the world appear to have reefed the sails of their ship of faith. The ship is still afloat, but instead of forging ahead in full faith, they have adopted a cruising speed.Drawn by the hope of "Paradise soon," some were prepared to spare no efforts to attain it—zealous in the preaching work and regular in attendance at all meetings, assemblies, and conventions. Now thinking that the realization of their hopes is farther off than they anticipated, they have lowered the price they are willing to pay. This is evident in reduced preaching activity, irregularity at meetings, and willingness to miss parts of assembly or convention programs. Others are devoting more time to recreation and to obtaining material comforts. These facts lead us to consider what should be the driving force in our lives in line with our dedication to Jehovah. Should our zeal in his service be dependent on the hope of "Paradise soon"?
*** w95 3/1 p. 17 par. 14 Living Up to Our Dedication "Day After Day" ***
Paul here was talking about the time when the Israelites complained against God to Moses when they "began tiring out because of the way." (Numbers 21:4) Do you ever make that mistake? When you dedicated yourself to Jehovah, did you think Armageddon was just around the corner? Has Jehovah’s patience been longer than you expected? Remember, we did not dedicate ourselves to Jehovah just for a certain period of time or merely until Armageddon.
or Very Soon Now, On the Threshold, Just Around the Corner:
*** w05 1/15 p. 27 Highlights From the Book of Judges ***
Very soon now, God’s Kingdom in the hands of Christ Jesus will destroy the wicked world and provide a great deliverance for the upright and the blameless.
*** w04 10/15 p. 17 par. 12 "Go About in the Land" ***
Having traveled from Egypt to Mount Sinai and then 170 miles [270 km] to Kadesh, they were as if on the doorstep of the Promised Land. In our case, we are on the threshold of the promised earthly Paradise.
*** w00 9/1 p. 28 Jehovah Always Rewards His Loyal Ones ***
As we arrived for the meeting one Sunday in 1938, two elderly sisters greeted us, and one said: "Young Brother, have you taken your stand for Jehovah yet? You know, Armageddon is just around the corner!"